Set Texture Object on Niagara Components no longer works for render targets.

UE - Niagara - Oct 27, 2021

When adding support for cube texture ([Link Removed]) there was no check added for render targets, making them invalid for Set Texture Object, when they were previously supported. ...

Unable to set Mesh Renderer Info source renderer

UE - Niagara - Oct 22, 2021

Unable to set Mesh Renderer Info source renderer ...

Compilation error when using Particle SubUV in Niagara Mesh Particles with Raytracing enabled.

UE - Niagara - Oct 12, 2021

The licensee has shared the following workaround for modifying NiagaraMeshVertexFactory.ush. struct FVertexFactoryInterpolantsVSToPS { TANGENTTOWORLD_INTERPOLATOR_BLOCK #if USE_PARTICLE_SUBU ...

Can't set User Param Binding to override mesh in a Niagara Mesh Renderer

UE - Niagara - Oct 7, 2021

The User Param Binding seems to be typed as UStaticMesh, which does not allow fort UObject or UNiagaraDataInterfaceStaticMesh types to be added to its drop-down, so no user parameters can be selecte ...

I get a compile error when using Particle SubUV nodes and tessellation.

UE - Niagara - Oct 6, 2021

I think tessellation will be discontinued in the future, but I will report it just in case. The licensee is not keen on fixing this problem. ...

When CascadeToNiagara, the Disable state of Emitter is not converted properly.

UE - Niagara - Oct 5, 2021

In # copy the emitter enabled state. enabled = ue_fx_utils.get_lod_level_is_enabled(cascade_emitter_lod) niagara_emitter_context.set_enabled(enabled) It stores the ...

Crash in PackagedBuild when using GPU & Data Interfaces

UE - Niagara - Sep 30, 2021

Due to module initialization order we are serializing shaders before the Niagara module has started up.  This means we are unable to find the default data interface for the GPU simulation to seriali ...

abnormal planar reflection with niagara

UE - Niagara - Sep 21, 2021

repro step:create new projectdownload attached file and unzip to content folderopen the map "newmap" in "app" folderplay in editor and look at the plane (see video) [Link Removed] [Link Removed] ...