Crash in Android media plugins on Adreno devices with letters in version

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 2, 2022

The logic to check the version number of Adreno devices does not work if there are letters in the version (like Adreno 642L). ...

r.MobileContentScaleFactor appears to be ignored defaulting to 1 on Mobile Devices

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 28, 2022

r.MobileContentScaleFactor = 0 should return Native Resolution; 1 should return Standard definiton; 2 shold return an High Definition Resolution. It seems that r.MobileContentScaleFactor is being i ...

Touch position return wrong value if the orientation of the terminal is changed after startup

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 26, 2022

Touch position return wrong data on Pixel 6 and Android 12. it does not occur unless the device is rotated from the initial state. As far as I investigate, the touch position only return data from ...

User INI settings should be able to load/save to/from iCloud on tvOS and optionally iOS.

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 10, 2022

UGameUserSettings just uses the ini file system and GameUserSettings to save/load user settings. on tvOS these files are not truly persistent and we should support loading GameUserSettings from iClo ...

iOS launch screen storyboard is never released

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 15, 2021

Skylight's Realtime Capture does not work on Switch

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 11, 2021

PVRTC texture is sampled as white when the uv value is very close to 0

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 20, 2021

When the uv value is very close to 0 ( < 0.001 ), the boundary value of the PVRTC texture is sampled as white. please refer to attached images and sample project. problem goes away when changing th ...