iOS 14.5 - Code Signing Version No Longer Supported

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 3, 2021

Using the remote build process (making an iOS build from Windows with a remote Mac) no longer functions properly on iOS 14.5 devices. It's possible to create an ipa, but it's not actually possible ...

IOS Preview on MacOS crashed when open postprocess material that uses stencil

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 3, 2021

IOS Preview on MacOS crashed when open postprocess material that uses stencil ...

SeparateTranslucency doesn't work with MSAA on mobile.

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 20, 2021

GooglePAD ondemand assetpack file packaged redundantly in obb file

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 19, 2021

In order to distribute content within GooglePAD's distribution size limit. (1GB for install-time, 500MB for fast-follow, and 500MB for on-demand) we are trying to package it as assetpack by dividing ...

Mac editor mobile preview crash with MSAA on

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 1, 2021

setting  GSupportsTimestampRenderQueries=false or r.GPUStatsEnabled=0 can fix it ...

SkyAtmosphere is not displayed in ES3.1 Preview

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 22, 2021

Atmospheric Fog is not displayed as well. ...

Media doesn't play from the beginning on android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 22, 2021