Setting PHYSX_MEMORY_STATS to 1 prevents the Engine from being built successfully.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 9, 2015

If #define PHYSX_MEMORY_STATS 0 is set to 1, the Engine will not build successfully. The build fails with the message: error C2338: FPhysXAllocationHeader size must be less than 16 bytes. ...

Landscape Physical Material always registers default

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 7, 2015

Physical materials on landscapes always return DefaultPhysicalMaterial, even when the surface type is changed. ...

Physical Materials Not Returning Correctly OnHit Events when using Switch on EPhysicalSurface Node

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 5, 2015

With an asset that has a physical material applied and generating hit events, the Switch on EPhysicalSurface node always returns the Default Surface Physical Material. The user on the AnswerHub po ...

Crash with assigning APEX Cloth that uses a custom graphical mesh

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 24, 2015

When a graphical mesh is used to create a lower LOD for cloth assets and the Cloth FBX has the APB assigned to the material for the cloth there will be a crash. ...

Extra Large Meshes Imported from Maya Flicker in Engine

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 16, 2015

Edit MattK: This probably has nothing to do with FBX. The object has a mass of 28 million kg so it would appear that the calculation of mass/physics asset is busted which is causing the flickering ...

Physics not reacting correctly with physical material if velocity is not high enough

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 3, 2015

There are issues with the way Physics is being handled with physical materials. Having a physical material setup with a restitution of 1 and a high max depenetration value will result in no bounce. ...

BoxCollision component must be simulating physics in order for collision and hit events to work

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 30, 2015

BoxCollision component must be simulating physics in order for collision and hit events to work. Note: This testbed doesn't contain print outs of the hit events due to an existing bug with adding e ...

Sphere Physics do not go to sleep causing infinite rolling

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 30, 2015

When you have a sphere that is rolling it will never come to a complete stop even at low speeds. It will slow it's speed but never stop. This conversation was discussed with James G and Ori C back ...

The Show Collision option in the Viewport does not show all collision during Simulate

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 30, 2015

The Show Collision option in the Viewport does not show all collision during Simulate. ...

When a fixed delta time step of 0.02 or higher is used with some skeletal mesh objects, rotational forces applied using AddTorque have no affect on the skeletal mesh.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 27, 2015

Using AddTorque to apply a rotation to a skeletal mesh does not always provide the expected results if a fixed time step is being used. When doing this to the Owen character in the Content Examples ...