Mesh Particle Collision does not occur when placed in Destructible Meshes

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Dec 23, 2014

Mesh Type Particles with Collision on World Static and Destructibles will not keep collision when placed into the Effects slot of a Destructible Mesh. ...

Setting linear dampening during runtime via the event graph does not work for separated chunks

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Dec 18, 2014

DESCRIPTION: When using a DM in blueprints and setting the linear dampening in the event graph the DM will honor the linear dampening but the chunks as they break off will not. Setting the mesh to ...

Objects parented to a Destructible Mesh within a bp will not follow if the DM is simulating physics

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Dec 17, 2014

Objects parented to a Destructible Mesh within a bp will not follow if the DM is simulating physics. ...

Destructible mesh does not trigger overlap event for objects/pawns that are not moving

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Dec 12, 2014

DESCRIPTION: When using the generate overlap events for a destructible mesh with Static Mesh or skeletal mesh that is not moving will not generate an overlap event to be triggered. So long as the me ...

adjusting the scale of a DM via BPs will not give accurate collision

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Dec 8, 2014

DESCRIPTION: Adjusting a DMs scale via blueprints will cause issues for the collision of the DM once it has been scaled up or down. Scaling down by half or up by a value of 2 or 3 is easier to see t ...

Form Extended Structures will only destroy one mesh but not any attached

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Nov 28, 2014

DESCRIPTION: While using form extended structures enabled for a Destruction mesh one of the meshes will be able to be damaged while any others attached will not fracture or damage at all. For exam ...

Destructible Meshes that are fractured while using moving will rest and then move the whole components fractures as a whole

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Nov 26, 2014

DESCRIPTION: When a destruction mesh has been setup to move to a location or use a lerp if it is destroyed the components will fall, come to a rest, and then the entire destruction destruction mesh ...

Changing the mass for a Destructible asset does not affect it

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Nov 19, 2014

DESCRIPTION: Changing the mass of a Destruction asset does not affect it. In comparison doing the same for a static mesh set to simulate physics will adjust accordingly. Forums Post: https://forum ...

LIVE: Setting sg.EffectsQuality between values will reset Destructible meshes if they have fractured

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Nov 14, 2014

DESCRIPTION: Using the command line sg.EffectsQuality and setting a value will reset a destructible mesh if it has already been fractured. AH Post: ...

Copying a destructible mesh in the viewport loses reference to assigned mesh in the details panel

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Nov 4, 2014

BRANCH: MAIN CHANGELIST: 2346079 PLATFORM: Windows DESCRIPTION: When copying a Destructible mesh in the viewport the Destructible Mesh component will not be shown for the copied mesh. The mesh can ...