Although the ISM component allows for enabling the flag for Fill Collision Underneath for Navmesh, it does not add the modifier for this to the navigation data for its instances. ...
FLowLevelMemTracker::TickInternal() the ELLMTag::Total (and therefore ELLMTag::Untracked) memory amounts are calculated based only on the result of FPlatformMemory::GetStats(), which on the Windows ...
With plural shot tracks in different rows in the sequencer window, selecting these tracks and dragging one of them (but not the bottom one) left or right will merge the rows. Please check the attach ...
User reports of stack overflow happening in canRemoveVertex in DetourTileCacheBuilder.cpp if a poly has more than 16 vertices. The array for edges is a fixed array and is written to without checking ...
Adding the Precondition to the SmartObject caused an assertion when it was part of a persistent collection. The precondition needs to be able to pass its Activate method to cause the assert. This b ...
Projects with multi-process cooking enabled will not complete packaging. If MPCook is disabled, packaging can be completed. ...
When an actor is moved on the level editor viewport, it is reconstructed along with its components, which at first makes their properties reset to their default state. Thankfully, this does not happ ...