Performance issues with World Composition

Tools - Dec 14, 2015

Licensee reports performance issues with ULevelStreaming::GetWorldAssetPackageFName, repeatedly constructing an FName for every sublevel. Should cache this. ...

"Prompt for checkout on asset modification" check box no longer makes "Files need checkout!" message appear

Tools - Dec 14, 2015

"Files need check-out!" dialog no longer appears when you begin to modify an asset that is not checked out. Setting is enabled by default: [Image Removed] But message doesn't appear if you, for e ...

Checking out multiple files shows no warning/error if one of the files is locked

Tools - Dec 14, 2015

If there is a file in the content browser that is exclusively checked out by another user, if you right click on only that file, you cannot check it out because there is no "check out" option displa ...

Crash when updating a blueprint from an instance, where the blueprint contains an array of text objects

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 11, 2015

Create an actor blueprint with a public variable that is an array of Text & compile itCreate an instance of the blueprint in the worldAdd several text items to the arrayApply instance changes to the b ...

Duplicate slots being created in Anim Slot Manager

OLD - Anim - Dec 11, 2015

Duplicate slots are being created automatically under the Default Group in the AnimSlotManager. This is causing some problems because it replaces the originally created slot with the duplicate in t ...

Sync'ing an asset through the editor does not update the asset until the project restarts

If an asset file is checked out / edited in source control and checked back in, others will see the yellow exclamation mark to indicate that there is an update to the asset but choosing to sync does ...

Mouse Position doesn't properly update on tick when framerate is low in standalone game

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Dec 11, 2015

If a game is run in the standalone editor and the FPS drops to ~20-30 FPS, pressing an event such as LMB and returning the mouse position on tick will cause the tick to jump inconsistently. Note: ...

The IOS Third Party library Bolts has an incorrect file name in its Build.cs file

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 11, 2015

The Bolts library is not correctly linked in its Build.cs file. The Build.cs file contains the following line with an incorrect file name: PublicAdditionalShadowFiles.Add(LibDir + "/Bolts.a"); The ...

Editor Crashes When Duplicating Actor that Contains Additional Components

UE - Gameplay - Dec 11, 2015

Attempting to spawn a copy of an actor that has components that were added to an instance of that actor in the level causes a crash. Spawning the actor without adding additional components to the in ...

"Always Center Window to Screen" No Longer Functioning in New Editor Window (PIE)

Tools - Dec 11, 2015

Regression: In UE4.10, the border that now occurs around New Editor Window causes window to extend beyond native screen resolution designated in Editor Preferences causing the window to 1) Not be ce ...