The users editor crashes on open when changing the layout ...
A user's project crashes when a level is opened 5 or more times ...
When using AddChildActorComponent in the construction script of an actor and attempting to get a reference to the child actor that is stored in a variable on Event Begin Play, the editor throws erro ...
When inspecting a TMap variable during runtime, the value of the variable is not displayed properly inside VS2015. Screenshots included to show what the TMap variable looks like in VS2013 (ProperTM ...
Licensee has reported an issue with the source code and proposed a fix. The issue is that the source is assuming that TG_PrePhysics is the first tick group in all cases. Information can be found abo ...
If a user places too many point lights on screen at once with a source length greater than 0 it will appear as though the length is 0 ...
When using full-screen mode on a optimus laptop the gama that is set for the system appears to be ignored and uses the default setting, even if it has been adjusted in Windows display calibration se ...
If the user copies and pastes nodes connecting to a return node in a function then the pins on the return node will become disconnected. ...
The Noise Node when used in a UI Material is rendering completely black in 4.11. This is a Regression from Behavior in 4.10.2 It looks like the Noise Node (at least form the preview of the noise i ...
When importing a skeletal mesh there is an issue where the normals of the face do not update with the faces of the inside of the book as it opens. This can cause a noticeable shadow issue, which cou ...