After adjusting viewport shortcuts in Editor Preferences, the Persona viewport seems only partially responsive to the changes. It's as if the viewport shortcuts are hardcoded for Persona. Example ...
Spawning a StaticMeshActor at runtime results in the StaticMeshActor not being visible until a property has been changed, such as the material for the Static Mesh. The spawned actor will also have n ...
The splash screen on the iPhone 6s is stretched when loading. Tested alongside the iPhone 5s and the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 for comparison. The stretching only occurs on the 6s. iPhone 6s: 6240_iPho ...
After making some changes to a Data Table, attempting to PIE fails and returns this error message: Cannot Play In Editor When Performing Edit MemberVar_1 operation. This occurs after closing and sav ...
This issue has been reported by two different users with very similar circumstances: Both report the editor freezing when trying to compile UE4.10 C++ Projects running Mac OSX 10.11.1 if no audio i ...
If the user flips a widget using the scaling feature in umg (scaling the widget by -1) this will cause the navigation for the widget to becomes incorrect. ...
A User's specific Static Mesh FBX made from OSM2World and converted from OBJ to FBX via Blender is causing a crash when imported with the following settings: [Image Removed] When imported with the ...
Instanced meshes called in player character do not correctly register overlaps with other actors. ...
When viewing a point drawn by DrawDebugPoint, the point is about 100 times smaller when using an Orthographic camera instead of a Perspective one. ...
When using a Create Dynamic Material Instance node the Get Material node will plug into the World Context Object rather than the Parent input. This will cause a error to be thrown that does not allo ...