Steam Overlay does not show in Win64 Shipping builds when run outside of Steam. The Steam client can be running, but unless the .exe is opened through Steam itself, the Overlay will not appear. Note ...
User reporting crash with a specific setup using Lit Translucent FX Clouds and a Day-Night Setup running on a Timeline from Level Blueprint. [Link Removed] 4.8 BUGG: [Link Removed] 4.9 BUGG: [Li ...
When attempting to import a texture that has a non-opaque alpha content and compressing using the "masks (no sRGB)" texture compression setting, pixels that are in the alpha channel are being weight ...
When you create a project in version 4.8.3, and update it to either 4.10 or Main, there seem to be issues loading the Engine Content Tutorials for FeaturePacks, InstallingiTunesTutorial, and Setting ...
Joining a session in PIE with Auto Connect To Server disabled will crash PIE. Note: this is not specific to the Multiplayer Shootout project used in the repro steps; this will occur in any project ...
Custom functions can call Set Timer nodes. There are no other time related functions that can be called through custom functions. Calling a timer through custom functions seems to lead to editor cra ...
When an AI controlled character has a component attached to a socket on it's mesh, MoveTo will move in a sporadic way, making the character move rapidly in random directions on its way to its destin ...
When you attempt to open a widget blueprint when you have hidden the animation and timeline panels, the editor will crash. There is a workaround: Window->Reset Layout will allow you to open the blu ...
See UDN thread, which includes suggested fix. ...
When you try to use the console command "demorec" to record a demo in PIE, a crash occurs. Note: This did not occur in 4.8.3 but another crash happened when trying to run the "demoplay" console com ...