If an image is added to a UMG widget with a material applied to it. It will no longer show up in the viewport if a text block is added to the same widget (above the material via the Zorder). ...
After disabling the defaults in Project Settings > Rendering > Default Postprocessing Settings, disabling all GlobalPostProcessSettings volumes, and setting the Post Process Blend Weight in the play ...
When a parameter is placed directly within a material it's group assignment works. The parameter is listed within its group in material instances. This does not work with parameters that are creat ...
In the Material Editor, the "If" node recently received a change for an input which now registers as ">" instead of ">=". This node still reads ">=" for that input. ...
QA Regression? Yes: Working:2356762 Broken:2362994 The import button for most of the general editor settings is grayed out. User is unable to import previous appearance settings. Update 06-28-2 ...
If a user hides the details of a foliage actor in the foliage tool menu, then saves and closes the editor the details will re-open upon re-opening the editor. ...
The 'Now' node does not return the correct time if ran through a 'Print String'. (NOTE: However, the 'Utc Now' node does return the correct time.) ...
With a Tessellated Material, either Flat or PN Triangles, applied to a Skeletal Mesh when playing, the Mesh has excessive blur when in motion. If you use the same material and turn off tessellation ...
If a variable of type UserDefinedStruct is created in a Blueprint and the project is closed before the Blueprint is compiled, upon reopening the project that variable will not be visible in the My B ...
UPDATE: 1/8/2015 Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] Callstack: <unknown module>! KERNELBASE!RaiseException() <unknown module>! UE4Editor_Core!FOutputDeviceWindowsError::Serialize() <unknown module> ...