The licensee found a way to lock the state of a rigidbody as PBDRigid->ObjectState() == EObjectStateType::Sleeping by subjecting it to a particular transient field composed of a RadialFalloff and a ...
Niagara Emitters, when disabled, appear to be removed from the Niagara System's packaged asset as evidenced by a sizeable reduction in size. However, if the Emitter referenced an asset, such as a st ...
It looks like the "Server Only" emulation settings are being applied to the client after a travel. When doing a server travel with the TRAVEL_Relative travel type, the NextURL created in AGameModeBa ...
Unlike other range wrapper structs, such as FFloatRange, marking a FDateRange as a UPROPERTY results in the following error: error : Unable to find 'class', 'delegate', 'enum', or 'struct' with nam ...
UEditorValidatorSubsystem::ValidateChangelistsInternal needs some work on handling warnings and errors. ...
From licensee:"[...] the issue is that ActorsReferencesUtils::GetActorReferences (/FArchiveGatherExternalActorRefs) will only analyze a reference to an object (/actor) once, if it's editor only the ...
When setting an AnimNotify to an AnimationSequence, this AnimNotify can be triggered multiple times when only set once. This issue only happens when the mentioned AnimationSequence that contains the ...
An actor in a standalone level instance will still be loaded in the main WP level regardless of having IsMainWorldOnly enabled. ...