Custom Events set to Replicate do not show the replication information on the node until the Editor is restarted

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 3, 2015

Custom Events set to Replicate do not show the replication information on the node until the Editor is restarted. For example, after setting a Custom Event to Multicast, the "Replicated From Server ...

Scene Capture 2D not updating capture size when played in fullscreen mode

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 2, 2015

The Displayed Render Target Textures are not accurately resizing when the Game is played in Fullscreen mode. [Link Removed] Also tested in Promotable-CL-2455917 ...

Closing Chunk Parameters tabs with chunk selected and reopening Destructible will cause crash

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Mar 2, 2015

When opening a DM selecting any chunk, even the unfractured mesh, closing the chunk parameters tab and reopening the DM will result in a crash. If that DM is opened and clicked in the viewport it ...

Orthographic Camera View does not work properly in HTML5

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 2, 2015

A user has not been able to get his game to run in an orthographic camera angle. It works perfectly fine in perspective, but pushes the game off to the side once in orthographic. Users Tutorial of ...

Using copy and paste twice with a button named "<" with a child attached to it of text name ">" will cause a crash

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Mar 2, 2015

The user can use special character when naming widgets in widget blueprints which can cause some issues. In this case naming a button "<" and adding a child text block to the button named ">" will c ...

ios launch fail after upgrading to 4.7.1, provision not found, signing key not found

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 2, 2015

Customers that have never or have created an incorrect bundle identifier will fail to package for iphone. People who have wildcard provisions will work. ...

FBX imports incorrect vertex normals in 4.7

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 2, 2015

Box reflection captures with some assets are not working correctly. The reflection capture is being tiled with version after 4.7 that were not in 4.6. Images are attached to demonstrate along with ...

Crash when returning to viewport from immersive mode with an editor window tabbed beneath

Tools - Mar 2, 2015

When the user enters immersive mode by hitting f11 and then opens the material editor, (which opens tabbed in the editor underneath the immersive display)The engine crashes when hitting attempting t ...

Moving a custom cusor (widget blueprint) to another folder after it has been set as the Default mouse can cause a crash

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Mar 2, 2015

Moving a custom cursor after it has been set as the default cursor will break the path being used and if the user tries to reset the path but selecting the widget again the editor will crash without ...

Functions within timers are not being fired off in widgets when set of the default cursor (Standalone mode)

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Mar 2, 2015

If a user has a custom cursor that uses timers that call a function in 4.7, the functions will not run when that widget is applied as the default mouse via the Edit > Project Settings > User Interfa ...