When setting up a scene with a persistent level and any sublevel that contains a landscape that is loaded via load stream level node in the level BP can cause the ILC to not be correctly assigned fo ...
The editor is crashing when a child blueprint uses a billboard in the construction script after hovering over 'apply instance changes to blueprint' from the details panel. ...
Some users are experiencing a crash when converting their project from 4.7 to 4.8. From user reports it appears to be affecting those who have added code to their projects and created blueprints bas ...
When using split screen multiplayer the second or more players that are added for split screen will have their characters shadows occluded when the bounds are not within view of player 1. Setting ...
While you are unable to rename a redirector in the content browser by right clicking it and selecting rename (the option is grayed out) or by pressing the F2 key (no effect), you can actually click ...
Since Data Tables were changed to allow importing from JSON files, this has stopped the Paper2D importers from working. We need the Data Table import to be lower priority than anything else to allo ...
Changing the Material on a Static Mesh Actor Blueprint is not updating in the BP Viewport until the BP is reopened. The Thumbnail updates immediately. [Image Removed] Also Reproduced in Main Prom ...
If you set up a default Sprite in an Actor BP and in the construction script set the sprite to an Editable Sprite Variable, in order for the new sprite to show up mobility of Sprite and BP must be M ...
In the Material Editor, if all Live Previews are turned off, copying and pasting a Material Layer Blend Node will crash when the tool tip is being processed. Also Reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2 ...