After reloading this project the widget assigned to the 3D widget will be replaced with a Class called "PLACEHOLDER-CLASS PlayerHealth" PlayerHealth is the original name of the class that is suppose ...
If a user initiates a save using Ctrl+S while an autosave is in progress, the Editor will crash. CRASHREPORT: [Link Removed] ...
When a parameter is placed directly within a material it's group assignment works. The parameter is listed within its group in material instances. This does not work with parameters that are creat ...
A function in a Blueprint Function Library that references another function in that library cannot be saved after closing and reopening the project. The library will save without error until the pro ...
When attempting to package this project for a mobile device, the build with fail. I tested in main and 4.7 release and the build will always fail. Project: [Link Removed] Users log: https://ans ...
If a user adds a Vector+Vector node, adds a pin, Splits the new pin, and then removes a pin the option to remove the other two remaining pins is not available. ...
Crash when clicking on a "Two Bone IK" node in an Animation Blueprint Crash Reporter currently down, see callstack section. Log and dmp are attached ...
Custom Events set to Replicate do not show the replication information on the node until the Editor is restarted. For example, after setting a Custom Event to Multicast, the "Replicated From Server ...
Several Users are experiencing crashes on importing a 4.6.1 project into 4.7.0 (Release) Here are the crash reporter links: [Link Removed] [Link Removed] [Link Removed] [Link Removed] [Link Removed ...
A user reported an issue resulting in a crash with callstack pasted below. After a brief investigation I've found that user was able to successfully compile a blueprint where a function taking an ...