UBT reporting VS2012 as an unsupported compiler even when UAT was passed -NoCompile

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 19, 2015

The editor will pass UAT the -NoCompile flag when building a Blueprint only project, however UBT has been changed to throw an exception if it detects VS2012 as the only available compiler (UEBuildWi ...

Users custom AI-heavy project crashes if anything is Built

UE - Gameplay - Feb 2, 2015

Users custom AI project crashes if anything is Built. (All, Lighting, Geometry, etc.) The project can be played but receives a message during play that the Navmesh needs to be rebuilt. ...

No way to access console out-of-the-box on JPN. GER, KOR, etc foreign keyboards

UE - Gameplay - Input - Nov 4, 2014

Because Japanese, German, Korean, and other keyboards don't have the back tick/tilde key, the console is inaccessible without first remapping to another key in the settings. This is a major pain bec ...

Setting the root component in a code class constructor does not actually set that component as the root component of a Blueprint created from that class.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 16, 2014

The root component of a Blueprint is determined by the order in which the components are defined in the constructor of a class (the component defined first becomes the root component). Trying to set ...

Editing multiple Math Expressions will crash the editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 30, 2014

Editing multiple Math Expressions will crash the editor. ...

Editor slows exponentially when selecting an instanced static mesh in viewport that has a large number of instances

Tools - Jan 19, 2015

Editor slows down exponentially when spawning in a large quantity of instanced meshes. ...

Lighting Build fails with World Settings Error

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 16, 2015

Lighting Builds seemingly successfully but produces a Map Check Error for World Settings. There are several things that can be done to "eliminate the issue" and I have separated them into different ...

A camera set to Orthographic projection mode with a negative Ortho Width will crash the editor on PIE

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 22, 2015

A camera set to Orthographic projection mode with a negative Ortho Width will crash the editor on PIE. Reproduced in Main (CL-2412886) Crash Report: [Link Removed] Call Stack:<unknown module>! UE ...

DoesSocketExist always returns false for Sprite Sockets (flipbooks and sprite components)

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Jan 15, 2015

DoesSocketExist always returns false for Sprites in a Flipbook, whether there is a socket on any/all of the Sprites or not. Note: GetSocketLocation seems to work fine, indicating that it is reading ...

AI characters float above the ground only when in a packaged project

UE - Gameplay - Nov 4, 2014

The users AI characters will work correctly while in PIE & Standalone Mode but when in a packaged project they will float above the ground. This was working correctly for the user in 4.4.3 but the ...