DX12/SM6 Sampler Counts increased for empty materials between 5.1 and 5.2

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - May 19, 2023

While not a major issue in and of itself, this can cause considerable headaches for materials where sampler counts in 5.1 were at 15/16 or 16/16 and when upgrading to 5.2 are now exceeding the built ...

Content Examples: Blueprints_Overview Stand 1.7 Spark particle system does not fire from coin

Docs - Samples - Jan 19, 2017

During runtime, the red coin in Stand 1.7 on the Blueprints_Overview map of Content Examples should emit a large spark particle system 5 times. While investigating, I tried disabling "Use Fixed Rel ...

Pausing simulation in PIE does not pause looped timers on the Server when players is set to more than 1

UE - Networking - Feb 4, 2016

Pausing simulation in PIE does not pause looped timers on the Server when players is set to more than 1. The Client pauses the timer as expected. With only one player, timers are paused as expected. ...

[Device Swap][Crash][Stadia] - Crash changing audio device from 5.1 to stereo

UE - Audio - Mar 10, 2021

There's a crash on stadia when changing the audio device from 5.1 to stereo. There's also a related issue where voice chat breaks when changing from 5.1 to stereo. The background is that CL14889950 ...

Xcode project files use iOS Legacy Build System which is not supported in Xcode 13

UE - Platform - Apple - Aug 3, 2021

The WorkspaceSettings.xcsettings file is generated with the following entry <key>BuildSystemType</key> <string>Original</string> This causes the warning in [Link Removed] which has was closed ...

Physics Asset doesn't follow the Skeletal Mesh when Physics Blend Weight is set to any value between 0 and 1

OLD - Anim - Feb 9, 2017

Physics Asset doesn't follow the Skeletal Mesh when Physics Blend Weight is set to any value between 0 and 1. Could be related the the fix for this JIRA: https://jira.it.epicgames.net/browse/UE-192 ...

Variables replaced with -1 after jumbling in details pane when one actor is selected and another blueprint compiled

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 31, 2016

Variables replaced with -1 after jumbling in details pane when one actor is selected and another blueprint compiled. De-selecting Actor_1 sets variables back to correct value when selected again. ...

Xcode 8.3.2 fails to successfully build 4.15.1 from source code

UE - Platform - Apple - May 2, 2017

Attempting to build 4.15.1 from source code using Xcode 8.3.2 currently results in the build failing due to warnings that occur in fbxsdk, AlembicImporter, and MetalRHI. ...

Importing skeletal meshes with uniform scale >1 causes rotation in skeletal mesh editor to improperly register

OLD - Anim - May 11, 2015

If a skeletal mesh is imported with a uniform scale of >1, the rotation feature in Persona will not rotate bones at the proper ratio. The meshes rotation will slow down as the uniform scale increase ...