If the DataLayerAsset name or asset path changes, Actors registered to it will ignore the DataLayer's settings

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Feb 5, 2023

If you change the DataLayerAsset name or asset path, all Actors registered with that DataLayer will ignore that DataLayer's settings. Specifically, even if you set the DataLayer to the Unloaded stat ...

Correct Morph Targets animate in PIE, but not in Standalone Game

OLD - Anim - Mar 5, 2015

Wrong morph targets are animating in standalone game, but the right ones play in PIE See the Additional Info URL for the user's description (and youtube video) Here is the project: [Link Removed] ...

EOS Voice plugin causes a crash after adding "DefaultPlatformService=EOS" to the DefaultEngine.ini then restarting the editor

UE - Online - Jan 10, 2022

This is not a regression. Doesn't affect UE5. The editor crashes on start up after enabling EOS Voice Chat, and updating the .ini to include DefaultPlatformService=EOS. Removing DefaultPlatformServ ...

Skeletal Meshes keep reference to unused Material IDs

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Sep 7, 2016

When importing a FBX with multiple materials and some of them are unused from their setup, they will still be referenced by the skeletal mesh in the Details Panel in the level editor, but in the Per ...

Scaling snap for selected object are reset to the origin of the scale pivot location

Tools - Apr 27, 2016

When scaling multiple selected actors in the scene with snap enabled the actors will reposition to the pivot origin of the last selected actor in the group when going down to a value of 0 or a negat ...

StaticMeshComponents do not scale to negative value

Tools - Nov 22, 2016

The scale of the component does not reach negative values like the instance of the object. However, the user is able to enter a negative number and the object correctly reflects that entered number. ...

LogUObjectGlobals:Warnings when recording with Sequencer Recorder

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 1, 2017

Warnings occur when recording a new sequence in Sequence Recorder This is not a regression, since it happens in 4.14.3 Warnings:LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Guid referenced by ThirdPersonCharacter_C ...

Typos in Math_Hall of ContentExamples

Docs - Samples - Sep 20, 2016

Need to update label from 0 to 1 on the left slider of display 1.6Need to update labels for small slider on display 1.10 to display 0, 1, 2 as those values can go up to 2Need to update 1.12 Example ti ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Sequencer!FSequencer::Tick() [sequencer.cpp:439]

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 21, 2017

This is a common crash that has occurred since at least the 4.10 release, although there seems to be a gap where it may not have occurred through the 4.12-4.14 releases, but returned with 4.15. Use ...

Light as If Static setting does not Persist when Re-opening Project

Tools - Apr 28, 2016

This bug was originally entered back in 4.8 as [Link Removed], but was closed as by design. The reason was, the mesh did not have Lightmap UVs, so using the 'Light as If Static' option would not wor ...