Pressed and Normal Padding appears to have no affect on buttons in UMG

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 24, 2016

Pressed and Normal Padding appears to have no affect on buttons in UMG ...

Fix Up Redirectors does not affect redirectors within renamed folder

Tools - Sep 23, 2016

Fix Up Redirectors does not affect redirectors within renamed folder. ...

Animations have less Frames in 4.14 than in 4.13

OLD - Anim - Oct 24, 2016

Animation assets have different amounts of frames between 4.13 and 4.14 ...

NavArea blueprints in Develops folders appear to have no affect

UE - AI - Nov 6, 2015

If the user creates two NavArea Blueprints (one in the content folder and the other in a developer folder) if one is inside of a developer folder then it will appear to have no affect when it comes ...

Static meshes in a particle system are not affected by decals

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 21, 2017

There is an issue where Static meshes in a particle system are not affected by decals, It is unsure if this is intentional behavior or not. This issue does not appear to be a regression Versions ...

Overriding a sequence binding does not affect camera tracking binding

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 17, 2020

Binding overrides don't work for camera actor tracking. This may affect attach tracks as well. ...

SSR on Translucency is not affected by Post Process Volume

UE - Graphics Features - May 24, 2018

Screen space reflections on translucent materials are not affected by post process settings. Any changes made to SSR settings in the volume will do nothing to a material that is set to the transluce ...

Crash when using merge actor on static meshes that have been affected by simplygon

UE - Gameplay - Oct 5, 2016

Crash when using merge actor on static meshes that have been affected by simplygon ...

Soft Contraint's Stiffness and Damping settings don't affect anything

UE - Simulation - Physics - May 19, 2017

The settings for "Stiffness" and "Damping" in the Soft Constraint setting for Physics Constraints doesn't seem to have an effect on anything. Regression?: No This also occurred in 4.14 ...

The order of Actors assigned to a Physics Constraint affects the simulation

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jun 8, 2018

The order in which actors are listed on a physics constraint affects the physics simulation. This should not make any difference in how the physics are simulated. Regression?: No This occurred in ...