r.ScreenPercentage.Editor does not function

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 2, 2016

Setting r.ScreenPercentage.Editor does not affect the upsampling/downsampling of the viewport in the editor. Regression: YES - the console command correctly adjusted the screen precentage in 4.11.2 ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_CoreUObject!UObjectBaseUtility::GetOutermost() [uobjectbaseutility.cpp:118]

Tools - Sep 8, 2016

This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. User DescriptionsSwitching levels, then when prompted to save current unsaved level, selecting ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Kismet!SBlueprintEditorSelectedDebugObjectWidget::GenerateDebugObjectNames() [sblueprinteditorselecteddebugobjectwidget.cpp:454]

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 9, 2016

This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Error message: Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) Source C ...

Crash Occurs When Setting Child Actor Class in Child Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 4, 2017

A crash occurs when setting the Child Actor Class of an inherited child actor component. This is not a regression. It occurs in 4.14.3 CL# 3249277, 4.15.2 CL# 3416026, and 4.16 Preview 2 CL# 34155 ...

Split Struct nodes do not update if the struct variable is changed

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 30, 2017

If a struct variable inside a blueprint has its node split, changing the variable form one struct to another does not update the split pin. Recombining / resplitting the struct has no affect. Work ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_ClothingSystemRuntime!FClothingSimulationNv::UpdateLod() [clothingsimulationnv.cpp:801]

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Apr 26, 2017

This is an early trending crash coming out of the 4.16 Preview. This has also been experienced internally on an internal project ([Link Removed]) User descriptionsCreate new cloth asset > Apply ne ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor-ApplicationCore.dylib!FMacWindow::ApplySizeAndModeChanges()

UE - Platform - Apple - Oct 27, 2017

This is an early trending Mac crash in 4.18. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. Callstack from LogLogAssetRegistry: Asset discovery search completed ...

Changing a Media Player asset from Stream Mode: FromURL to From Memory crashes the editor

Tools - Dec 30, 2014

Changing a Media Player asset from Stream Mode: FromURL to From Memory crashes the editor. In 4.8, the editor crashes immediately upon changing that value, with no crash report. In 4.6 and 4.7 Pre ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_WorldBrowser!FMulticastDelegateBase<FWeakObjectPtr>::RemoveAll() [multicastdelegatebase.h:81]

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Composition - Nov 2, 2017

This is a trending crash coming out of 4.18 and may be a regression. Users have not provided any descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. Source Context 72 /** 73 ...

Crash When Selecting Actor in the World Outliner That is Using ColorGradingMode

Tools - Jun 2, 2017

When selecting an actor in the World Outliner that is using the ColorGradingMode specifier (ColorGradingMode = "saturation"), the editor crashes. This did not occur in 4.15.3. This is a regression ...