References stored in deleted UProperties stick around in a Blueprint Class

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 25, 2017

If a UProperty that stores a reference to an asset is deleted, the reference to that asset lingers in any Blueprints that had a reference stored in that UProperty. This can lead to issues when the r ...

Renaming Parent component to same name as a component in child causes crash from child blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 1, 2017

Renaming Parent component to the same name as a component in the child blueprint causes a crash from child blueprint when you press enter. When you reopen the project from the crash, the child bluep ...

World Context node returns inaccurately in PIE/Standalone

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 11, 2017

When a blueprint function library reaches a "World Context" node, the result returned by the node is invalid / null in Standalone mode. Additionally, the node will occasionally report as invalid in ...

C++ Classes subfolders cannot be viewed in CB if Sources Panel is closed

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - Sep 14, 2017

When a new class is added to a subfolder, by entering the folder name in the Add C++ Class - Path field, navigating to the new subfolder doesn't work if the Content Brower's Sources Panel is closed ...

Multi-line text is not an option for arrays of text

Tools - Sep 20, 2017

When using the Multi-line option for a text variable, this option is no longer present when the variable becomes an array. It is unsure if this is intended behavior or not. This issue does not appea ...

Mouse Wheel Axis input gives different values in HTML5 packages, varying by browser

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 28, 2017

The value given by the Mouse Wheel Axis is usually 1.0 or -1.0, depending on the direction. In HTML5 packages, this value varies based off the browser that is used. On Firefox (56.0): 0.025 or -0.0 ...

Execution Doesn't Resume When Hitting BT Task Breakpoint and Trying to Resume in the Behavior Tree

UE - AI - Oct 6, 2017

When a breakpoint is hit in a BT Task Blueprint, execution will not be resumed if you attempt to do so from the Behavior Tree that is running the BT Task. This will cause a crash if executed in the ...

Material loses Material Function reference when both are moved simultaneously

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Oct 6, 2017

Moving a material function asset along with a material using the function causes the material to lose the function reference when the project is restarted. Regression: Yeswith Material and sub fold ...

Asset manager duplicates asset types on project reopen after custom element is made

Tools - Oct 24, 2017

There is an issue where, in the Asset manager duplicates asset types on project reopen after custom elements are made for the "Primary Asset Types to Scan" array. THis issue does not appear to be a ...

Draw debug points do not draw at the same sizes in Orthographic viewports as they do in Perspective viewports

Tools - Oct 30, 2017

With the Draw debug points node, the points do not draw at the same sizes in Orthographic viewports as they do in Perspective viewports. This issue does not appear to be a regression. Versions Test ...