Light Banding for Point Lights at long distances from the World Origin

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 4, 2017

When using a point light far from the world origin the light will have banding. The shadow bias and filter sharpen can help but they are not as consistent as settings near the world origin. The only ...

Multiple Post Processing displays are not working in Content Examples - Post Processing

Docs - Samples - Jan 18, 2017

While going through a GPU pass, film setting in post processing isn't working as expected. This does not seem to be GPU specific The displays should resemble the images in the documentation - PPE ...

[Crash] UE4Editor-MetalRHI.dylib!ReportMetalCommandBufferFailure()

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 25, 2017

Crashes when resizing Standalone game window by dragging lower right corner to and fro to increase/decrease window size. [Link Removed] Error message: SEGV_MAPERR at 0x3 Source Context:none Mos ...

Crash when clicking on tutorial prompt for signing keys on Mac

Tools - May 2, 2017

Attempting to package for TvOS on Mac without a signing key produces an error in the message log informing the user of the missing key. The error has a link to a tutorial on how to resolve it. Click ...

Disabling Occlusion Culling and DBuffer Decals causers crash

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 1, 2017

THere is a crash that occurs when opening a project after the Occlusion Culling and DBuffer decals option are unchecked. There are times where the Unreal Crash reporter catches the crash and display ...

"+Create Binding" added to a "Text Block" makes the Text not visible in Standalone Game

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Sep 6, 2017

The visibility of the Text depends on the "+Create Binding" being added or not added. Now, If we go into our Widget Blueprint Designer > over in the Details panel under Content > Select "Bind" and ' ...

CreateWidget node keeps reference to created widget on output pin

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 17, 2017

There was an issue in 4.16 (fixed in CL# 3437205) in which blueprint output pins would hold on to object references until the blueprint was destroyed. It appears that an additional fix may need to b ...

Instanced Properties create temporary references on child objects in Blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 29, 2017

When an object whose class has the EditInlineNew specifier is added to an instanced property, any children of the blueprint will have a reference to the same object that was created for the instance ...

Spherecast against complex geometry is returning odd results

UE - Simulation - Physics - Sep 19, 2023

Turning on batching of sphere casts when colliding against complex gives incorrect results. Affects debug output and vehicle wheels and body movement. The issue is with the batch query mode which ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_UnrealEd!SaveWorld() [filehelpers.cpp:359]

Tools - Aug 31, 2016

This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Descriptions from users are provided below. Error message: Assertion failed: !bIsReentrant [L ...