[CrashReport] UE4Editor_SlateCore!IsResourceObjectValid() [drawelements.cpp:23]

Tools - Aug 2, 2018

No user comments in crash group 18 FSlateShaderResourceManager* FSlateDataPayload::ResourceManager; 19 20 static bool IsResourceObjectValid(UObject*& InObject) 21 ...

Sequencer XML generates wrong File Path for Image Sequence

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 6, 2018

Outputing Image Sequences like {shot}/{shot} _ {frame} .png for example, the xml file doesn't reflect the right path because it's referring to .avi files. We can't find and replace avi files in ...

Blueprint Static Meshes lose Vertex color information in Standalone/Release

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - Mesh Editing - Sep 21, 2018

In the editor, vertex information can be painted on static meshes that are part of a blueprint. When testing by playing in “Selected Viewport” the painted vertex information is correctly saved and d ...

[MAC][OPENGL][METAL]: Investigate why planar reflections on translucent surfaces may not be working

Tools - Jun 29, 2015

See Comments. User reported planar reflections aren't being applied to translucent materials on Mac OpenGL, which may also affect Linux OpenGL and Mac Metal. Need to investigate what this feature r ...

[Mac][Metal] Black/NaN spots Visible in Templates With r.BasePassOutputsVelocity

UE - Platform - Apple - Apr 15, 2016

Base-pass rendering on Mac Metal now generates transient black/Nan spots across the scene - this appears to be related to r.BasePassOutputsVelocity and is presumably the connected to the incorrect s ...

Distance Field Mesh default resolution artifacts on some shape meshes

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 10, 2016

Distance Fields generated for the 4 basic static mesh assets in the modes panel appear to have artifacts or low resolution. This is only affecting certain shapes that I can see. Adding in assets fro ...

Compile failure adding C++ Vehicle or VehicleAdvanced pack to a project

UE - Gameplay - Jan 11, 2017

Adding the C++ Vehicle feature pack to a project fails to compile with the following error:CompilerResultsLog: Info Error: Couldn't find parent type for 'TP_VehiclePawn' named 'AWheeledVehicle' in c ...

Eyedropper in the Color Picker window does not grab any color values on Mac/Linux

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 5, 2018

Trying to use the eyedropper in the color picker window on Mac fails to grab any color values. The colors will only update when hovering or clicking within the viewport but the colors shown aren't c ...

Spawned actors with meshes become invisible in editor after changing level

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 7, 2018

When moving actors spawned from within the editor to a new sublevel, their meshes stop rendering. However, if you open a new level then re-open the old level the meshes become visible again. You wil ...

Inconsistent Red X icons when using World Composition

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Composition - Sep 20, 2018

This issue takes a few attempts to repro. Sometimes when saving the icons will remain normal, but other times a red X will be displayed instead. Opening up the Level that is displaying the X and re= ...