CAD Geometry translation error

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Importer - Sep 6, 2019

Importing the CAD file into Datasmith causes huge surfaces to appear on the model that do not appear in the CAD software. This was reported and tested in 4.22 (4.22E2). This was reproduced in 4.23 ...

Viewport breaks with Forward Shading, MSAA and Accurate Velocities from Vertex Deformation Enabled

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 13, 2019

With Forward Shading, MSAA and Accurate Velocities from Vertex Deformation enabled  the viewport breaks. If any of these settings are different, the viewport is fine again. Found in 4.23 CL# 838658 ...

Dynamic navmesh update causes navlinks to reset to their default state

UE - AI - Dec 16, 2019

Updates to dynamic navmesh cause navlinks to reset to their default state. Navigation still shows the path as accessible even though it isn't. This is a regression from 4.23.1 (CL-9631420) where th ...

Niagara Map Set parameters are improperly named

UE - Niagara - Mar 9, 2020

Parameters are misnamed when adding a new parameter to Map Set in a Niagara Module Script  Tested: 4.23.1, 4.24.3 , 4.25 preview, 4.26 (main) ...

Screen Space Reflections not showing in Panoramic Capture

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 10, 2020

Reflections not showing in Panoramic Capture images. Reported and tested in versions 4.25.3(CL 13942748), 4.24.3(CL 11590370), and 4.23.1(CL 9631420).  ...

Movable point light disappeared by MinScreenRadiusForLights and appeared back looks deemed.

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 25, 2021

The movable point light is abnormally lit when it disappeared by the setting of r.MinScreenRadiusForLights rather than "Max draw distance" and appears back. After you disable and enable the "Affect ...

Creating a function with parameter type TEnumAsByte<MyEnum> will crash while compiling

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jan 11, 2022

This is a regression.This does not affect UE5. Creating a function with parameter type TEnumAsByte<MyEnum> will crash while compiling. In 4.26 and UE5 the code compiles without issue, and the user ...

Crash on PIE exit after dynamically enabling and disabling tick functions through the Level Script blueprint.

UE - Gameplay - Mar 23, 2018

User reports hitting an assertion due to invalid FTickTaskManager state when game is attempting to unregister a tick function that was previously disabled dynamically. Failed assertion is in FTickT ...

Adding special characters into the BundleDisplayName or BundleName causes packaging error

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 3, 2016

Packaging a project for iOS that has & in the Bundle Name causes an error to occur during packaging. IPP ERROR: Application exception: System.Xml.XmlException: An error occurred while parsing Entit ...

D3D HUNG crash - FD3D11DynamicRHI::RHIReadSurfaceFloatData()

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 18, 2017

This is one of the widespread D3D Hung crashes that have existed since 4.14. This particular callstack has affected around 300 users. The issue has been successfully reproduced on a home PC. Dxdi ...