Geometry Collection behavior does not change when changed by BP

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - May 2, 2022

Reproduced 6/6 times. This seems to affect all "Set" functions for Geometry Collection Components, such as Setting Object Type from Static to Dynamic, or changing Collision Type. ...

Launch on to HTML5 fails in browser with Expression (mp_Table) failed in LowLevelMemoryMap.h

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 16, 2017

I was able to repro this on both FF and Chrome. I have the latest FF 64-bit and was running into this after I deleted my intermediates, ran GenerateProjectFiles.bat, and built UE4 in VS. ...

Android ETC2 Debug Builds Crash on Startup

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 9, 2020

Android apps build with the debug configuration on ETC2 will crash on launch. ...

FBX exported from editor imports to Blender at 25fps

Tools - Jan 6, 2017

FBX exported from editor imports to Blender at 25fps. Maya and Max do not appear to take their frame rate from the fbx itself, but set by the scene itself. ...

Adding teleport node after AddMovementInput breaks jumping animation

UE - Gameplay - Jun 6, 2016

Calling the teleport node after the Add Movement Input nodes affects movement by preventing the character's capsule from updating, causing the mesh to hit the top of the capsule during the jump anim ...

Get Hit Result Under Finger by Channel appears to return the wrong location on MAC during PIE

UE - Platform - Apple - May 11, 2018

The location give by the Get hit result under finger by channel appears to be affected by screen size on Mac. When clicking an area in the level, it does not always return the area under the finger ...

Adding a Pass By-Reference input parameter to an event dispatcher is allowed, but causes a warning when called.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 19, 2018

You can add a pass-by-reference input variable to an Event Dispatcher, but it will will result in compile warnings, and changes to that input will not affect the value of the variable in the caller. ...

[Feature Request] ReferenceViewer: Accept dynamic collection

Tools - Oct 29, 2019

In 4.23, Setting a dynamic collection to the collection filter slot does not display any result. And there are no information about dynamic collection doesn't work in collection filter. (FCollectio ...

Unable to create Texture 2D Array asset in the Content Browser

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 15, 2019

The Content Browser is unable to create Texture 2D Array assets from the asset action UI. Tested in 4.24 (CL - 10091930), 4.25 (CL - 10236406) ...

Point Cloud support for AR plugin crash

UE - Platform - XR - Nov 21, 2019

Enabling Point Cloud support for AR plugin causes engine crash. Also crashes with LIDAR plugin enabled. Confirmed in MAIN 4.25 @ CL 10333042 ...