tvOS becomes non responsive after killing a launched on app from Mac

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 28, 2016

tvOS locks up with the following message being repeated in the device log:Sep 28 10:27:50 Apple-TV-Joey UE4Game[610] <Notice>: [2016.09.28-14.27.50:752][188]LogHttp:Display: Sleeping 0.5s to wait fo ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Kismet!FBlueprintGlobalOptionsDetails::CanDeprecateBlueprint() [blueprintdetailscustomization.cpp:5127]

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jul 19, 2017

This is a common crash affecting users in 4.15 and 4.16, affecting over 200 unique users so far. User Descriptionsattempt to import bp from example Source Context 5124 { 5125 // I ...

Difference in Shader Complexity view mode between Static Mesh and Painted Foliage Actors after Enabling 'Dbuffer Decals' in Project Settings

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 19, 2016

The 'Shader Complexity' view mode is rendering differently between regular Static Meshes and Painted Foliage instances after enabling 'DBuffer Decals' The user is reporting that this does not seem ...

Sequencer in packaged VR project does not appear to work when using sequence player on begin play

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 27, 2016

Sequencer in packaged VR project does not appear to work when using sequence player on begin play. The HMD no longer appears to be affected by sequencer after the project has been packaged out ...

Assertion failed: !EditReregisterContexts.Find(this)

UE - Gameplay - Jun 22, 2015

Editor crashes if a blueprint has "Can Ever Affect Navigation" changed multiple times and is compiled. Crash link: [Link Removed] Frequency: 4/4 ...

Moving a Copy of an Actor from Persistent to Sublevel Dirties Persistent Level

Tools - Aug 18, 2017

Using Alt-Drag to move a copy of an actor from the persistent level to a sublevel (when the sublevel is selected as the current level in the Levels window), the persistent level is getting marked as ...

Copying a copied 5.0 project into 5.1 does not rename project folder as expected

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Nov 21, 2022

I was able to reproduce this issue 4/4 times, and initially started in version 4.26 to determine if this issue was a regression or not. When copying a 4.27 copied project into 5.0 or 5.1, the 4.27 w ...

Anim Dynamic state does not reset when closing sequencer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Apr 1, 2019

When using Anim dynamics in an animation. The actors affect stop in their current state once the sequence controlling the anim dynamics is closed. They do not appear to reset to their default state ...

Line trace fails to detect Destructible Mesh

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Jun 15, 2015

When using a line trace in the construction script so that objects can return a value destructible meshes will not return a hit. This does not affect use in game with PIE or Standalone game, but if ...

Changing transform of simulated component during physics freezes motion

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 13, 2016

If something is executed before a SetActorRotation node on Tick inside of a SceneComponent class BP and then added to an Actor class BP, the physics will lag User Description: When using set rotat ...