Material Layers "swap" location instead of shift downwards.

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Oct 17, 2023

Licensee request for this as it is affecting productivity. Likely requires a method of allowing a user to choose which behaviour they prefer. For reference, the behaviour changed in CL 11684461 to f ...

Instance overlap functions for Foliage Instanced Static Meshes detects instances inconsistently

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Apr 14, 2022

Instance overlap functions for Foliage Instanced Static Meshes detects instances incorrectly. I was able to see this occur with both the Sphere and Box functions. In addition, I drew out debug sphe ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_CoreUObject!TFastReferenceCollector<1,FGCReferenceProcessor<1>,FGCCollector<1>,FGCArrayPool,0>::ProcessObjectArray()

UE - Foundation - Core - UObject - Jul 19, 2017

This is a common crash affecting users in 4.16. Over 100 users have been affected, although they have not provided additional information. Source Context 469 TokenStreamIndex++; 47 ...

Sequencer animations using Skeletal Mesh Pose don't play properly if following another sequence with an animation using Keep State

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 20, 2019

The bug affects skeletal mesh animations when played in sequencer with AnimBP after another animation which was set to Keep State. This is a follow-up to [Link Removed]. Two animations now play cor ...

Callling "Get[AxisMapping]" or adding AxisMapping Event node in blueprint will break code input implementation for that axis mapping

UE - Gameplay - Input - Aug 17, 2016

When character input is defined in code, adding a call to the Get[AxisMapping] node in blueprints causes input for the specific mapping to fail. Note: This only affects code based input, Blueprint ...

BSP brushes get Clipped or Disappear relative to the Surface Normals of a nearby Brush when Deleting/Flipping Faces

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - May 1, 2017

While testing this issue it was interesting to discover how the surrounding BSP's were affected. They seemed to clip/disappear according to the surface normals of the deleted brushes. There is a si ...

EditCondition specific does not prevent values from being changed.

Tools - Mar 9, 2017

1) Using the Meta specifier EditCondition will gray out the property box so that it cannot be clicked, but using tab from another property box will place the cursor inside the grayed out box. 2) V ...

Make Lidar Point Cloud Point Node has had the Location input change from a Vector to a Vector 3f

UE - Gameplay - Oct 12, 2022

Tested in: //UE4/Release-4.27 CL 18319896 Input pin was of type Vector //UE5/Release-5.0 CL 20979098 Input pin was of type Vector 3f //UE5/Release-5.1 CL 22346211 Input pin was of type Vector 3f Th ...

Using Alt+Click to break Transition node connections cannot be undone using the Undo command

OLD - Anim - Nov 28, 2016

Using Edit->Undo or Ctrl+Z has no affect after breaking using Alt+Click to break the connection of transition nodes. In the My Blueprint tab, extend Graphs->AnimGraph Regression: No - Same behavio ...

Selecting other components after selecting a Spline Component's control point keeps the transform gizmo and functionality at the Spline Control point

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - May 3, 2022

Selecting other components after selecting a Spline Component's control point keeps the transform gizmo and functionality at the Spline Control point Repro Rate: 4/4 Tested this in //UE4/Release-4 ...