Background blur missing with HDR CompositeMode 1

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 29, 2021

UPD: According to Affects Version field, issue reproduces in 4.26, Regression for 4.27 - No. ...

NvEnc API creation failed in 4.24.1 with M60 card on AWS EC2 instances.

PixelStreaming - Dec 24, 2019

i had an AWS EC2 g3.4xlarge instance(Nvidia M60 card).  I could run 4.22 packed PS application correctly. When switching to 4.24.1, I got the following error when trying to start the application wit ...

RootMotion travel distance get affected by ForceAnimRate

OLD - Anim - Nov 24, 2016

A root motion controlled character would travel further than they should when both EnableUpdateRateOptimizations is on and a.URO.ForceAnimRate is set above 1. Changing "Root Motion from Montages On ...

Play rate value under 1.0 seems ignored when with Render movie to video feature

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Nov 7, 2019

Is this a regression? Yes, this is not reproduced in 4.22 version When rendered movie have Play rate track, it should show same result for PIE and rendered movie. But play rate below 1.0 seems not ...

With Accurate Velocities from Vertex Deformation and Instanced Stereo enabled anti-aliasing does not affect the right eye

UE - Platform - XR - Jul 8, 2016

KevinR: Make sure you are using Temporal AA (TXAA), and I was using SteamVR/Vive With Accurate Velocities from Vertex Deformation and Instanced Stereo enabled anti-aliasing does not affect the righ ...

Changing reflection capture resolution after setting preview rendering level to Android ES3.1 crashes the editor

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 20, 2019

Applying a new reflection capture resolution after changing Preview Rendering Level to Android ES3.1 results in crash. Tested in: 4.24 P3 CL#10283392    4.25CL#10303496 ...

DLC update from 1.0 deletes staging folder which unable to make incremental(patch) chunks

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 14, 2017

DLC update from 1.0 deletes staging folder which unable to make incremental(patch) chunks. ...

Foliage Instance Static Meshes do not affect the Navmesh

UE - AI - Navigation - Apr 25, 2022

Foliage Instance Static Meshes do not affect the Navmesh. I tried changing the Custom Navigable Geometry to 'Yes' & 'Even if Not Collidable' but got the same results. Repro Rate: 4/4 Tested this i ...

[MetaSounds][Wave Player] - 5.1 Wave Player channel output maps differently for Vorbis than other codecs

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Aug 16, 2023

The channel output for 5.1 Waveplayer on MetaSounds is different when Platform Default (Vorbis) codec is chosen on Windows Platform Default - L, C, R, LS, RS, LFEBink, PCM, ADPCM - L, R, C, LFE, LS ...

Foliage is removed when erasing with Erase Density set to 1

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Aug 19, 2016

I found with a high density of foliage instances, you're able to erase some of them even when Erase Density is set to 1.0 ...