Circular Throbber does not appear to be affected when setting the tint

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 25, 2016

Circular throbber does not appear to change colors when changing the tint ...

FBX imports non-sequentially named Skinxx id's will not import all material elements

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jan 25, 2016

When importing an asset that is using the naming convention for SkinXX to order material elements does not work properly when the elements are not sequential. Any material that is not in sequential ...

Packaging Error When Setting Recast Nav Mesh Runtime Generation

UE - AI - Jan 25, 2016

Setting the Runtime Generation on the Recast Nav Mesh to a different preset than what is set in the Project Settings causes an error to appear upon trying to package the project, and causes the pack ...

A bug in UBTService_BlueprintBase makes it impossible to create "deactivation-only" BP implemented BT services

UE - AI - Jan 22, 2016

A bug in UBTService_BlueprintBase makes it impossible to create "deactivation-only" BP implemented BT services. ...

FBX: Camera imports to Matinee with skewed position and rotation

Tools - Jan 21, 2016

When reimporting a .FBX matinee Actor, the X and Y axis of the animation are interchanged. ...

Right eye blinks when using VR preview with the oculus rift

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 21, 2016

If the user uses the VR preview (not standalone) the right eye will blink black. ...

Reset To Default button creation in customizations too manual?

Tools - Jan 21, 2016

Reset To Default button creation in customizations too manual? Sounds like there might be a lot of duplicated code creating reset buttons that should all called a single helper to make them identic ...

Inherited AnimBP properties not always working across editor restarts

OLD - Anim - Jan 21, 2016

In 4.11 when making changes to node properties in an animation blueprint they will not always appear to update in child blueprint instances when restarting the editor. In the attached project the l ...

Crash on deleting an actor after undoing a prior delete

If an actor contains a custom SceneComponent that creates another component that is tagged with Transient and DuplicateTransient, deleting/un-deleting/deleting the actor again will cause the editor ...

Text render component not showing up in a packaged project

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 20, 2016

If the user adds a text render component to a blueprint and then packages the game out the text render component will not show. ...