FMultiReaderSingleWriterGT isn't thread safe

UE - Foundation - Core - May 17, 2016

From I've found that FMultiReaderSingleWriterGT has at least 2 bugs: The one that caused a deadlock ...

Dot Product Normalization does not produce consistent results

UE - Graphics Features - May 17, 2016

When using a Normalize node and then trying to get the Dot Product vs setting the Dot Product up manually do not produce the same results. ...

Folders deleted inside of the Content Browser do not actually get deleted

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - May 13, 2016

A user reported an issue where folders are never actually deleted when they are deleted via the Content Browser. They return when reopening the editor and never disappear from the File Explorer. ...

WidgetBlueprint::DrawLines has broken AA on sharp cornered lines

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 9, 2016

WidgetBlueprintLibrary::DrawLines which calls FSlateDrawElement::MakeLines has broken AA for sharp cornered lines. ...

Static Meshes in Precomputed Visibility Cells are not occluded by landscape

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - May 5, 2016

When using precomputed visibility on device for occlusion culling the landscape does not take the cameras view into account for culling objects when out of view of the camera and inside a visibility ...

Get Random Point in Navigable Radius Returning Invalid Value

UE - AI - May 5, 2016

When using the Get Random Point in Navigable Radius node, every few points return an invalid value. Found in 4.11.2 binary. Reproduced in 4.12 Preview 2, 4.10.4 binary, and Main CL 2962354 ...

Unexpected Results with Get Random Reachable Point in Radius

UE - AI - May 5, 2016

When using Get Random Reachable Point in Radius and spawning instanced static meshes on those points, it returns a similar pattern almost every time with an L-shape in the center along with a dense ...

Client lag/hitch detection can cause server to tick character faster than expected

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - May 3, 2016

If client takes a long time to send a move to the server, the server erroneously ticks it for a large time without updating the client's timestamp, causing the server to move the client further than ...

DrawDebugSphere & DrawDebugAltCone deref nullptr if used in constructors

UE - Graphics Features - May 2, 2016

\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\DrawDebugHelpers.cpp DrawDebugSphere and DrawDebugAltCone both try to dereference variable 'LineBatcher' without checking for null, as the other DrawDebug func ...

Material Shared Samplers do not honor Texture Quality console variables

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 28, 2016

When using shared samplers in the material do not adjust quality when adjusting the console variable or texture quality in Engine Scalability for SG.TextureQuality. Attached is an image for demons ...