Foliage radius does not affect other foliage assets

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - May 5, 2016

Setting the radius on a foliage asset does not prevent other foliage assets from being painted within that radius. Regression (no) issues (does) occur in 4.10.4 ...

Static Bool Parameters not Visible on Material Instances by Default when passed through a Quality Switch Node

UE - Graphics Features - May 4, 2016

When feeding a 'Static Bool Parameter' through a 'Quality Switch' node within the material editor, the material instance for said parameter does not appear until the 'Params' button is enabled. If ...

Event begin input touch does not appear to fire off correctly on laptop touch screens

Tools - May 4, 2016

Event begin input touch does not appear to fire off correctly on laptop touch screens ...

Editing bsp within folder in world outliner will unhide bsps within a subfolder

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - May 4, 2016

Editing bsp within folder in world outliner will unhide bsps within a subfolder Regression (No) issue (does) occur in 4.10.4 ...

Tessellation appears to cause textures to appear incorrectly in the right eye of the vive

UE - Platform - XR - May 3, 2016

Tessellation appears to cause textures to appear incorrectly in the right eye of the vive ...

Attempting to change a spotlight in a child component referenced by a parent blueprint from movable to stationary and then running PIE crashes editor

UE - Gameplay - Components - May 3, 2016

Changing the mobility of a light component within a child component that of a parent blueprint and then entering PIE without compiling crashes the editor. Frequency: 3/3 Crashreporter: N/A Regres ...

Setting the r.ScreenPercentageTranslucency Variable below 100 causes Texture Swimming

UE - Graphics Features - May 3, 2016

When setting the 'r.SeparateTranslucencyScreenPercentage' variable to any value other than 100, UV world space textures begin to swim. In the example project attached, I created a simple translucent ...

Enabling the experimental Unit Test Framework in a project results in the Editor crashing whenever that project is opened

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 2, 2016

A user decided to test the experimental Unit Test Framework plugin that was included with 4.11. The user discovered that the Editor will crash whenever opening a project that has this plugin enabled ...

Crash when using "Convert to Seeded" on a Cascade Module

UE - Graphics Features - May 2, 2016

Crash when using "Convert to Seeded" on a Particle System Cascade module This is a Regression as it does not occur in 4.10 Error message: Assertion failed: *Offset < (uint32)InstancePayloadSize [ ...

Scene Capture 2D Actor causes Flickering on Windows 10 when Launched in Standalone

UE - Graphics Features - May 2, 2016

Screen/Playable window flickers when playing in Standalone on Windows 10. A few users are reporting this issue which is exclusive to Windows 10 and Standalone mode. There is another issue the could ...