Differences in Post Process FX between Minimized and Maximized Viewport

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 19, 2016

When scaling the viewport window using the Maximize/Minimize viewport option, the post processing effects applied to the screen do not scale properly. This issue seemed trivial at first, as the use ...

Doing a Rebuild in Visual Studio fails to compile

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - Apr 19, 2016

Attempting to use the Rebuild option in Visual Studio will fail to build the project. It instead produces a message that "Epic was unexpected". ...

Editor crashes if a data table containing an attenuation settings struct

Tools - Apr 19, 2016

Editor crashes if a data table containing an attenuation struct is opened in the data table editor. Frequency: 4/4 Crashreporter: [Link Removed] Regression? (No), issue (does) occur on 4.10.4 ...

Custom lighting channels ignored when object culled in stereoscopic

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 14, 2016

When a light that uses lighting channels is only visible in one view during stereoscopic rendering, it affects the default light channel instead of the assigned one in the view that it's not visible ...

Start time of subtitle gets incorrectly modified at runtime

Tools - Apr 14, 2016

The time field of a subtitle is incremented incorrectly at runtime. This is caused by the wrong array being modified by the subtitle manager when queuing subtitles. A fix is provided by the licensee ...

Physics Constraint angular visualization are missing in 4.11

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 14, 2016

Physics Constraint angular visualization are missing in 4.11 This is a regression User Description: Since 4.11 angular constraints of the physics constant are not shown in the viewport. In 4.10 ...

HTML5 broken load/save

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 12, 2016

save data does not return the same data and crashes the game ...

Cannot move instances of a hierarchical static mesh component in the blueprint editor viewport

UE - Gameplay - Components - Apr 12, 2016

Can move individual mesh instances of a regular instanced mesh component in the blueprint editor, but not hierarchical ones. Originally reported as a pull request in [Link Removed], but we rejected ...

Editor crash on Mac when closed after adding third party library plugin

UE - Platform - Apple - Apr 11, 2016

After adding a third party plugin to a project and restarting as prompted, closing the editor again causes a crash. Crash Reporter Link: [Link Removed] Additional Note: This crash was encountered ...

'Moved' event pin doesn't trigger on the 'Input Touch' node correctly

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 8, 2016

'Moved' event pin doesn't trigger on the 'Input Touch' node correctly Regression: This does not happen in 4.10.2. The 'Moved' pin triggers at all times when the mouse-button is held and the mouse i ...