Memory Leak occurring when making procedural content with the Construction Script

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 24, 2015

When modifying an object that makes changes using the construction script seems to cause a memory leak. The memory that is used seems to never be freed up. ...

A Client cannot join a Server after setting a GameMode in the OpenLevel node's Options string

UE - Networking - Nov 23, 2015

A Client cannot join a Server after setting a GameMode in the OpenLevel node's Options string. Reproduced in 4.9.2 binary, 4.10.0 binary, and Main (CL# 2776829) ...

Duplicating a Function Containing Add Child Actor Component Causes Changes Made to the Duplicate to be Saved to the Original

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 9, 2015

When you create a function containing an Add Child Actor Component node, duplicate that function, and then change the Child Actor Class option in the duplicate, the changes are also saved to the ori ...

UBT not terminated when cancelling build

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - Nov 1, 2015

When cancelling a build from Visual Studio, UBT keeps running, and another build is generally not possible until one kills the UBT process manually in Task Manager. ...

Date and Time variable does not appear to replicate across clients

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 22, 2015

The Date and Time variable does not appear to replicate when set to be replicated. If the variable is called on a client the client will not update properly. ...

Actors attached to a Child Actor Component do not replicate movement on the Client

UE - Networking - Oct 20, 2015

Actors attached to a Child Actor Component do not replicate movement on the Client. User's test project attached. Reproduced in 4.9.2 binary and Main (CL 2735029) ...

Actors not marked as Always Relevant do not replicate to Clients that have possessed a vehicle past 15,000 units of the point of possession

UE - Networking - Oct 20, 2015

Actors not marked as Always Relevant do not replicate to Clients that have possessed a vehicle past 15,000 units (the sq root of Net Cull Distance Squared) of the point of possession. Note that repl ...

Deleting a Struct Attached to a Variable in a Blueprint Prevents it from Compiling

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 20, 2015

Adding a variable of the type of a struct to a blueprint, deleting that struct, and then recompiling the blueprint fails. The variable is deleted, but the blueprint will continue to be unable to com ...

Setting a ComboBox on the Server does not always work

UE - Networking - Oct 3, 2015

Setting a ComboBox on the Server does not always work. In the attached project, a Multicast Event runs some Set Options, all but one of which appear to work on both Clients and Server. On the Server ...

Reset Instance Changes to Blueprint Default does not revert changes made to instances

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 15, 2015

creating an instance of a blueprint and making changes to the instance will not respect "Reset Instance Changes to Blueprint Default" when pressed from Details Pane. ...