Use Viewport's BackBuffer as Pixel Shader's input texture fails on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 20, 2016

UDK Link: link title In this project, they need to get the BackBuffer(including UMG), and use this BackBuffer to do some post-processing. So follow the code in FViewportSurfaceReader :: ResolveRende ...

Crash Occurs When Running EQS Query on Mobile

UE - AI - Oct 19, 2016

Deploying a project to a mobile device that runs an EQS Query is causing the game to crash on the device. This has been tested with a Galaxy Note 4 and iPhone 5s. Attached are the logs from the de ...

OSSNull doesn't properly filter servers based on settings

UE - Online - Oct 19, 2016

OSSNull doesn't properly account for bShouldAdvertise or bAllowJoinInProgress. These should be updated in OnValidQueryPacketReceieved. (Note, bShouldAdvertise is explicitly ignored in LAN matches) ...

Log list console command shows duplicated category entries

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 19, 2016

"log list" console command outputs log categories - a licensee reported they see duplicated category entries in 4.13. (e.g. logFileCache, logHMD, logHUD) Actually 4.11 and 4.12 had duplicated entri ...

Crash Occurs When Using the Hide Bone by Name Node

UE - Gameplay - Oct 18, 2016

The editor is crashing when attempting to hide a bone using the Hide Bone by Name node after using the Set Master Pose Component. ...

Deactivating a Component Does Not Stop Component Tick Immediately

UE - Gameplay - Oct 18, 2016

Deactivated components are ticking one additional time after being deactivated. ...

Editor Crashes When Enabling Closed Loop on Spline in Blueprint

Tools - Oct 18, 2016

Editor is crashing when setting closed loop in the construction script of a blueprint. This did not occur in 4.12.5 following the same repro, this is a regression. ...

Actor Components Tick Automatically with Auto Activate Set to False

UE - Gameplay - Oct 17, 2016

Actor Components with Auto Activate set to false are still ticking. If you activate the component on begin play, set a short delay, and then deactivate it, the ticking will stop, which is inconsis ...

Blocking Volume Not Displaying Properly in Player Collision Mode

Tools - Oct 17, 2016

The licensee has stated that convex mesh generation is failing in KAggregateGeom.cpp from the function KConvexElem::HullFromPlanes. Here is the code snippet they provided: if(!Polygon.Split(-FVecto ...