Deprecated BP causes warning spam upon mousing into Content Browser

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 3, 2016

When a deprecated blueprint containing an object is moused over in the content browser the output log is spammed with the message LogSpawn:warning: SpawnActor failed because class BP_Deprecate_C is ...

Using Paint Verticies Single Color Node More Than Once Crashes Dev Build

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 10, 2016

[UPDATED INFO] After some testing I discovered that using the "Paint Vertices Single Color node" on event tick is what is causing the issue. Using this node with event begin play will not crash. Th ...

Edges flickering when bsp geometry added to the level

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - May 13, 2016

When adding a bsp Geometry object into the world the edges flicker. The effect can sometimes be seen better if you change the tessellation of an object that has it. Observed on border edges of a sel ...

SButton does not release mouse capture if it becomes disabled before MouseUp event occurs

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Mar 8, 2016

It appears that if a slate widget becomes disabled, the MouseUp events won't fire. As a side effect, a mouse capture will not be released if something causes the button to become disabled before the ...

Refraction breaks Translucent Sort Order without Separate Transparency Enabled

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 6, 2016

With multiple Translucent Material sorted in 3-D space or via Transparency Sort Priority, if one of the materials uses refraction it will render on top of the others no matter position or sort prior ...

Vertex Painting on Blueprint Static Mesh components lost on copy

UE - Gameplay - Components - Sep 1, 2015

After vertex painting on a Static Mesh component of a Blueprint, the Vertex paint data is lost when the Blueprint is copied. Oddly, pasting into a text editor shows VertexColorData, but it seems to ...

GPU Particles will not Rotate based on a negative Int Rotation Rate Value

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 1, 2014

GPU Particles will not rotate based on a negative input from a uniform distribution via Initial Rotation Rate ...

Using both an Atmospheric and Exponential Height Fog will cause an issue rendering Translucency-based Materials

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 10, 2014

Using both an Atmospheric and Exponential Height Fog will cause an issue rendering Translucency-based Materials.  (See Screenshots below) IMPACT:                   Cannot use both Atmospheric Fog ...