Accept Source on conflicted asset creates duplicate, renamed, blueprint asset and makes original unopenable

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Aug 6, 2016

Accepting source for a conflicted blueprint asset in the merge tool currently creates a new asset *_3 and makes the original name asset unopenable. Found on: //UE4/Main CL-3079307 //UE4/Release-4. ...

FMath::TruncToInt() may result in incorrect data being returned in instances when a Double is passed in containing a large integer value

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 4, 2016

The FMath::TruncToInt() function takes a float parameter, but some calls to this function pass in a double value. For most use cases, this will probably work fine. However, if the integer values are ...

Tabbing out of editor while dragging a folder leaves it in drag state when returning to editor

Tools - Aug 4, 2016

Had found the folder was stuck in this state, and eventually figured out it came from tabbing in and out looking for other info. Edit: We should probably cancel whatever drag is in progress if som ...

A vehicle using Async Scene on the body but not the wheels will crash the editor

UE - Gameplay - Aug 4, 2016

A vehicle using Async Scene on the body but not the wheels will crash the editor[EUS-TJ Ballard] Vehicle using Async Scene on body but not the wheels crashes the editor User Description: Async sce ...

Crash when changing the number of instances in a grouped sprite component at runtime

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Aug 4, 2016

A crash occurs when you remove a Sprite Instance within a Paper Grouped Sprite component of an Actor BP on Event Begin Play. I was able to reproduce this crash in the binary releases of 4.11.2 and ...

Foliage instances are not included when exporting a scene to FBX

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Aug 4, 2016

When exporting Foliage instances to FBX the FBX will not contain any of the foliage instances, but will include any other static or movable geometry. This is a regression. This worked in 4.11.2 but ...

Draw HUD shows in the wrong location on Android

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 3, 2016

Event Receive Draw HUD renders in the wrong location when using GearVR. In the PIE the location is correct, but not when rendered on the device. See images for better context. This is a regressio ...

Damping is handled differently at lower frame rates

UE - Gameplay - Aug 3, 2016

Damping is handled differently at lower frame rates. Slight changes in damping at lower FPS (25) drastically effects objects and isn't applied in the same way as at higher FPS (60) User Description ...

Translucency does not produce soft falloff on Samsung S7 Mali devices

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 3, 2016

RadialGradientExponential material function does not produce a soft falloff on that particular device. Does not repro on Adreno version. Seems like precision issue or driver bug that optimizes out s ...

Crash when Changing Source File and Re-Importing Mesh used in Mesh Particle System

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 2, 2016

A licensee has reported a crash when re-importing a mesh being used within a Mesh Particle system. Regression? Yes, this crash does not occur in the 4.11.2 binary release. Link to Crash Logs: [Lin ...