Cannot package a plugin that depends on another plugin

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Plugin System - Oct 26, 2017

When a plugin has another plugin enabled in its .uplugin folder, attempting to package the first plugin will result in an UBT error. ...

Error on Loading Pawn Blueprint Containing ActorSequenceComponent from GameMode Constructor

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 25, 2017

When attempting to load a Blueprint that contains a ActorSequence component from inside of a Gamemode's constructor, errors are given. The ActorSequence component is also removed from the Blueprint ...

Asset manager duplicates asset types on project reopen after custom element is made

Tools - Oct 24, 2017

There is an issue where, in the Asset manager duplicates asset types on project reopen after custom elements are made for the "Primary Asset Types to Scan" array. THis issue does not appear to be a ...

Thumbnails do not update when setting Primitive Type inside Material Editor

Tools - Oct 24, 2017

In the Material Editor in UE4 selecting the Primitive Type under Thumbnail in the Details View does not update the preview material. There is no visible change or detail change that can be seen when ...

Packaged game crash occurs when inclusive blueprints with an enum that exists in multiple blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 23, 2017

THere is an issue with a Packaged game where a crash occurs when inclusive blueprints with an enum that exists in multiple blueprints. In the callstack, it appears that a blueprint is not found, ev ...

[Feature Request] Dialogue appears behind screen space widgets

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 23, 2017

Dialogue text appears behind screen space widgets ...

Lighting Channels Do Not Function with 78+ Lights on Actor

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 20, 2017

Lighting channels do not function when the number of lights affecting actors is 79 or higher. Any number of lights that is 78 or fewer will honor lighting channel assignments. ...

Engine Crashes When SubAnimInstance is set up and Master Sequence is Set to Spawnable

OLD - Anim - Oct 20, 2017

Engine crashes when CharacterBP is dragged into the Shots track and Spawnable is checked and unchecked when character animation Blueprint has a SubAnimInstance set up. ...

Visual discrepancy appears with local position offset while mipmaps are enabled

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 20, 2017

There is a visual discrepancy appears with the local position offset while mipmaps are enabled, when using a custom node that takes information from the local position node, with a texture that cont ...

When changing the variable name of Parent Blueprint, only Child Blueprint existing on the opened level becomes Dirty.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 20, 2017

Changing the variable name of the parent Blueprint also effects the changes to the child Blueprint, but the Dirty result changes depending on whether it is placed on the level. This means that Child ...