Instanced Properties create temporary references on child objects in Blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 29, 2017

When an object whose class has the EditInlineNew specifier is added to an instanced property, any children of the blueprint will have a reference to the same object that was created for the instance ...

(Paper2D) Polygon Collision does not correctly rebuild when using rebuild collision node in packaged game

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Nov 29, 2017

With tile maps, Polygon Collision does not correctly rebuild when using rebuild collision node in packaged game. This issue does not appear to be a regression. Versions Tested: Issue occurs on all ...

world outliner does not hide attached actors when turning off visibility

Tools - Nov 29, 2017

When attaching actors via the world outliner, there is an issue occurring using the visibility option, actors attached via the world outliner do not follow the visibility of what they are attached t ...

Materials on deleted children are applied to camera

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Nov 28, 2017

Materials on deleted children are applied to the camera when inside of an actor blueprint. This issue does not appear to be a regression. Versions Tested: Issue occurs in all versions Tested 4.16.3 ...

Event dispatchers does not correctly compile with variable that is the same BP

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 28, 2017

There is an issue occurring where Event dispatcher with inputs doesn't compile if they have a variable that is the same as the BP class. This issue only occurs with the variable being the same class ...

Static regex patterns can cause crashes on shutdown

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Nov 28, 2017

The current lifetime management of regex patterns means that we can attempt to destroy them after ICU has been shutdown. We should change these to follow the same pattern as break-iterators, and exp ...

Reimporting an FBX file via the import button does not make the import options appear

Tools - Nov 28, 2017

Reimporting an FBX file via the import button does not make the import options appear. Instead of allowing the FBX to reimport with new options, the FBX just re-imports. This issue is a regression. ...

Custom Depth Post Process Stencil does not work with Material Billboard on Actors

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 27, 2017

MaterialBillboardComponent does not render with CustomDepth material in PostProcessVolume as other objects do. Found in 4.16.3 CL 3561208, 4.17.2 CL 3658906, 4.18.1 CL 3454814 ...

Packaged builds don't copy over plugin config files

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Plugin System - Nov 21, 2017

We currently do not copy over the Config folder when we are packaging a plugin for inclusion with a packaged game. This is likely because we haven't supported plugin config files in the past, but th ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor-UnrealEd.dylib!FEditorModeTools::MouseMove()

UE - Platform - Apple - Nov 21, 2017

This is an infrequent Mac crash. Users have not provided any descriptions. Callstack from LogGeneratedClass '/Game/Maps/World.World_C' with ClassGeneratedBy '/Game/Maps/World.World:PersistentLevel. ...