Selecting Don't Save when launching onto platform still gives the impression that assets were saved

Tools - Aug 2, 2017

If the user selects Don't Save when launching on to a platform, the dirtied assets appear as saved in the editor (no asterisks next to map names or asset thumbnails). This can be confusing, because ...

The name of the Structure tab in the Struct editor doesn't match how it's listed in the Window menu

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 2, 2017

In the Struct editor, there's a discrepancy on the name of the main Structure tab. The tab reads "Structure", but in the Window menu, it's listed as "Member Variables". ...

JAR files in libs are not included in classes.dex with Gradle

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 1, 2017

JAR files copied from Intermediate/Android/apk/libs for Gradle packaging are not included in the classes.dex in the final packaged APK. ...

Gradle AAR repository directories with $S(PluginDir) are relative instead of absolute path

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 1, 2017

Gradle AAR import paths need to be absolute instead of relative since the current work directory used to package Gradle is not the same as Ant. ...

Need addElement and addElements to allow single insertion instead of to all elements with matching tag

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 1, 2017

Since multiple dict tags can be in a plist, not just the top level, need to be able to specify to only insert once. Adding an optional once="true" attribute to these commands in UPL will allow this ...

Error when Compiling an AIController Blueprint Class with an AIPerception Component

UE - AI - Aug 1, 2017

An error populated the output log when Compiling an AIController Blueprint Class with an AIPerception Component. This is not a Regression, as it Occurs in //UE4/Main. ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_UnrealEd!SCurveEditor::OnObjectPropertyChanged

Tools - Aug 1, 2017

This is a common crash that has affected more than 170 users since at least 4.15 and occurring into 4.17. Based on one user description and frequent project names, this appears to commonly correla ...

Copy/pasting a child and non-child in IWCE does not preserve attachment hierarchy

UE - Gameplay - Components - Aug 1, 2017

Copy/pasting a child and non-child component in IWCE will not preserve the individual attachment hierarchies of the components. It'll be based on whichever was last selected. If the child was last ...

Duplicating (Ctrl+W) a component and its child will not preserve attachment hierarchy

UE - Gameplay - Components - Aug 1, 2017

When the user duplicates (using Ctrl+W) two components that are attached, their attachment hierarchy isn't preserved. This occurs in both the blueprint SCSEditor and in IWCE. ...