Visibility of World Outliner doesn't affect skylight

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 27, 2018

Visibility of World Outliner doesn't affect skylight. But it affects other kinds of lights like Point Light, Directional Light. I found that USkyLightComponent::CreateRenderState_Concurrent() doesn ...

Setting Lightmap Coordinate Index Past 3 Causes Mesh to Get No Lightmap Information

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 20, 2018

Meshes with their Lightmap Coordinate Index set to anything over 4 will not be lit by static or stationary lighting.  Found in CL# 4.19 4033788, 4.20 CL# 4369336, 4.21 CL# 4541578, 4.22 CL# 4573698 ...

Full Screen Native Resolution not supported on new iPad Pro 11-inch and iPad Pro 12.9 inch (3rd generation)

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 16, 2018

A licensee has reported that Full Screen native resolution does not work properly on the iPad Pro 11-inch and on the iPad Pro 12.9-inch (3rd generation). Black borders are used around the screen ins ...

Game projects that rely on legacy include paths are not compatible with Blueprint nativization.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 10, 2018

Using legacy-style #include paths in a game project is allowed by UBT by default, but it's currently not compatible with Blueprint nativization, as it does not account for this possibility. Current ...

Creating a Blueprint Variable for InputActionKeyMappings, and then removing the default input parameter causes crash.

UE - Gameplay - Input - Nov 9, 2018

Upon creation and compilation of a Blueprint Variable of type InputActionKeyMappings, when clicking the "X" to remove the default input key parameter causes the editor to crash. ...

Delay when attempting to input Korean characters using an IME with certain types of text boxes

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Nov 8, 2018

A user has reported that inputting Korean into certain types of text boxes in the editor using an IME results in delayed input. The user reports that this occurs with SMultiLineEditableTextBox in th ...

Possession is not replicated properly to some clients

UE - Networking - Nov 8, 2018

A user has reported an issue where Possession replication or Character Movement replication, unsure of which, is not working properly for some clients. It seems to work fine for the first client but ...

Getattachedactors does not return the proper value when called from the Constructor

UE - Gameplay - Nov 7, 2018

A user has reported that using GetAttachedActors in the Constructor does not work properly. If actors are attached in the editor, the function does not return the correct value when called in the Co ...

Multiple Steam NetConnections to a single session are recorded incorrectly during cleanup

UE - Online - Nov 6, 2018

When introduced with two Steam NetDrivers/NetConnections to the same user, instead of closing out the communications on a per channel basis, the entire session is removed from the connection list. T ...

Walkable Slope Override not observed by ISMCs

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Nov 6, 2018

A static mesh assets's Walkable Slope Override is observed by placed static meshes, but not by ISMC instances. ...