Combo box default selected option text does not show up when the widget is outside of the bounds of a containing widget

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 12, 2018

The text for the selected option on a combo box does not show up if the text has been placed fully outside of a containing widget. As in this example the combo box has been moved via render translat ...

Assets Imported Using "Import Into Level" Scaling Does Not Match the Scale of Assets Imported Through the Content Browser

Tools - Apr 12, 2018

Assets that are imported using File < Import to Level, import at a different scale than when importing through the Content Browser Screenshot attached to show difference in scale Meshes were both ...

Colors don't match when using a material in the "Outline Material" setting for text in UMG

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 11, 2018

The Text outline and drop shadow outline for the text do not match up when using a material for the text outline appearance. The "outline color" setting will need to be set to white for the material ...

Using "Save Current" instead of Save all appears to result in loss of data in actors using structs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Apr 11, 2018

When using the Save Current button rather than save all, an actor that uses a variable with a struct will not retain data after the editor is restarted. Steps from scratch:Open EditorCreate a new ...

iOS/tvOS fails to build from source editor built with Xcode 9.3, macro expansion producing 'defined' has undefined behavior

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 2, 2018

Trying to launch on or package for TVOS or iOS from a source build of Mac or Windows will fail with errors:[2018.04.02-16.35.08:522][634]LogPlayLevel: In file included from /Volumes/Storage/GitHub ...

Crash force deleting blueprint being used as a Child Actor Component in an actor in the level

UE - Gameplay - Components - Mar 23, 2018

REGRESSION: Yes, the crash does not occur in 4.18. A crash occurs when the user force deletes an actor blueprint that is being used as a child actor component in another blueprint that's in the lev ...

Editor will crash while instancing nested AIPerception component template subobjects in an AIController-based Blueprint class during compile-on-load.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 23, 2018

User report of an assertion that fires on editor reload during an attempt to reload an AIController-based Blueprint class with a dependency on a child Blueprint class, both created in a previous edi ...

Setting the name of a State or Conduit node to an extremely long string causes a crash

OLD - Anim - Mar 22, 2018

Setting the name of a State or Conduit node to an extremely long string causes a crash This issue is not a regression. ...

Animation sequence's ParticleNotify doesn't fire while playing it back in Sequencer editor

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 21, 2018

The ParticleNotify should always be triggered while playing in sequencer editor regardless whether the spawned particle is attached or not to it's bone/sockets This stopped working since 4.15 versi ...

Crash occurs when undoing the adding of a node connected to an in-use reroute node

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Mar 20, 2018

REGRESSION Yes, this does not occur in 4.19.0 or in 4.18 Crash occurs when the user adds a node off a reroute node that's already in use, and then undoes that action. Found when testing around [Li ...