File > Package > Desktop (Win+Mac+Linux) redirects user to the main Docs Splash page

Docs - Apr 18, 2018

When attempting to use the "All Desktop" packaging functionality, in the editor, the user is redirected to the main splash page for UE Documentation: I do belie ...

Child Actor Component reappears after Undoing Parent Deletion

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 5, 2018

After loading a map containing a ParentBP with a ChildActorBP, Deleting and undoing the deletion will "resurrect" the original child, and a new child actor is parented to parent. Possibly Related: ...

UE4 Crashes if multiple Vive Trackers or Lighthouses are used

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 24, 2018

User reports that if more than 5 trackers are connected, UE4 crashes Suggested fix: Root cause of bug is related to the fact that UE has no setup to receive input events from Vive Trackers. (we ha ...

Reroute Node Breaks Link in Material Editor When Used with Material Function

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Nov 30, 2017

Adding a reroute node in the material editor between a texture object and a material function breaks the link and the texture object is no longer applied. Adding a reroute node into a spline that d ...

TSubclassOf variable values reset on Hot Reload

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Hot Reload - Nov 3, 2017

After a hot reload, blueprint instances of TSubclassOf variables have their setting reset to "none" Regression: Yes - variable values remain after hot reload in 4.17.2 (CL 3658906) ...

Depth of Field Blur on Cinematic Camera Not Working Before Focal Point

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 1, 2017

The depth of field blur when viewing through a cinematic camera no longer blurs between the camera and the point of focus. This is a regression; it was working as intended in 4.17. ...

Edit condition on a property causes values to be edited

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 21, 2017

EditCondition appears to edit the property. This is defined in MovieSceneSequencePlayer.h: /** Start playback at the specified time */ UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category="Playba ...

Selected option does not scroll into view when opening a combo box for the first time

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 24, 2017

Selected option does not scroll into view when opening a combo box for the first time. It will only scroll into view if the combo box is clicked more than once (a 2nd, 3rd, ect...) ...

Child rotation appears to change when parent is negatively scaled and the map is saved using "Save Current" button

UE - Gameplay - Components - Apr 13, 2017

Child rotation appears to change when parent is negatively scaled and the map is saved using "Save Current" button. If this is then followed up by re-opening the map, the user's asset will experienc ...

Mouse dragging cursor accelerates significantly on Mac

Tools - Jan 18, 2017

This also occurs in 4.14.3 This does not occur on Windows. Could not get this issue to reproduce while recording the screen with quicktime player, but if you experience it in person it really feel ...