Clipping bsp brush rotates clipped face on brushes that have their X,Y,Z values altered

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - Sep 17, 2015

If a bsp brush is rotated, then the brush clipping feature is used the "Brush Clipping" feature will rotate the created face by 90 degrees or disappear entirely (if set at an angle). ...

Reset Instance Changes to Blueprint Default does not revert changes made to instances

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 15, 2015

creating an instance of a blueprint and making changes to the instance will not respect "Reset Instance Changes to Blueprint Default" when pressed from Details Pane. ...

Component Transform does not reset when used to replace the default scene root

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 11, 2015

After adding a capsule component to a new actor blueprint and then transforming it, if the user replaces the default scene root with the capsule then the capsule's transform properties do not reset. ...

A Function input's type is set as Wildcard by default if a Macro with a Wildcard input is created before the Function

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 11, 2015

A Function input's type is set as Wildcard by default if a Macro with a Wildcard input is created before the Function. Compiling will fail with an error. Reproduced in 4.8.3 binary, 4.9.0 binary, a ...

[CrashReport] Crash related to lack of disk space - FShaderCompileThreadRunnable::WriteNewTasks()

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Sep 10, 2015

Sent in the unattended mode4.9- In this crash I was trying to do a LOD only build. Originally it was a full build but after four crashes that way I clicked just LOD to see if it would work on its? own ...

Using Show Mouse Cursor causes mouse to become detached from game window

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Aug 24, 2015

Using the Show Mouse Cursor command (or BP node) will make the mouse appear in the game window however at that point the mouse does not interact with the game unless one of the mouse buttons is held ...

Copying/pasting an element in an array of EditInlineNew objects results in a reference to the original element being created instead of a reference to a new copy of that element.

Tools - Aug 20, 2015

When duplicating an element of an array of EditInlineNew UObjects, a reference to the duplicated element is created instead of creating a new UObject that duplicates the initial element's properties ...

ServerTravel command doesn't work in PIE using seamless travel

UE - Gameplay - Aug 19, 2015

The "servertravel" command doesn't function when running ShooterGame in Editor. A warning will show up in the Output Log: LogWorld:Warning: UWorld::ServerTravel: Seamless travel currently NOT supp ...

A Blueprint created from Actors in the level does not preserve the relationship (hierarchy and transforms) of both components

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 11, 2015

A Blueprint created from Actors in the level does not preserve the relationship (hierarchy and transforms) of both components. Reproduced in 4.8.3 binary, 4.9 Release (//depot/UE4-Releases/4.9/Prom ...

Collision of child actor doesn't rotate if the parent is simulating physics

UE - Simulation - Physics - Aug 11, 2015

Collision of child actor doesn't rotate if the parent is simulating physics. This was an old bug that an AnswerHub user reported back in 4.9 but now a licensee is reporting this same behavior in 4.1 ...