Platforms that allow for configurable VOIP sample rates do not respect config values

UE - Online - Jan 8, 2019

Because of when GetEnumValueFromString (called by GetVoiceSampleRate) executes for certain modules at load time, the global enum master list is empty, which leads to the config value not being parsa ...

When having two viewport panes open in editor, and piloting/unpiloting a camera actor in one pane, will cause the other pane to reset viewport camera orientation.

Tools - Jan 8, 2019

Piloting and "Un-piloting" a camera Actor in viewport pane causes other viewport panes to reset its view orientation upon "Un-piloting" of Camera Actor. ...

Nativized packaging fails when attaching paper Flipbook component to a parent paper Flipbook component that is Inherited.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 8, 2019

Nativized packaging fails when attaching paper Flipbook component to a parent paper Flipbook component that is Inherited. ...

Crash editor when open the level sequencer after updated 4.20

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 8, 2019

When migrating from the version before 4.20 to the version after 4.20, opening the level sequencer will crash. I think that there is a problem with conversion from SnapTimeInterval (FixedFrameInterv ...

Packaged C++ Project Fatal Error on Startup When Spawning Niagara System Via a Character Blueprint

UE - Niagara - Jan 7, 2019

Using the system blueprint node in the character blueprint will cause the packaged game to give a fatal error when running the executable. This only occurs when in a C++ project. Found in 4.20 CL# ...

VertexInterpolator Makes Landscape Materials Fail to Compile

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 7, 2019

If a VertexInterpolator is used in a material that is applied to a landscape the material will fail to compile. Found in 4.20 CL# 4369336, 4.21 CL# 4.21 CL# 4613538, 4.22 CL# 4681912 ...

Assert caused by using FText::FromStringTable to initialize a FText property in the constructor of a UStruct based off FTableRowBase

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 4, 2019

When using FText::FromStringTable to initialize an FText variable in the constructor of an FStruct that inherits from FTableRowBase, an assert is caused due to recursion. The assert is as follows:As ...

Skel Vert/Surf Emitter Location Local Not World Space

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Jan 3, 2019

A Skel Vert/Surf particle system attached to a cloth actor spawns particles around the origin instead of around the actor. ...

Create staticmeshnode or instancedstatic mesh node logs FNetGUIDCache warning in editor

UE - Networking - Jan 3, 2019

The behavior in question involves a warning that FNetGuidCache gives when an Actor's construction graph adds a static mesh component, and a multiplayer session with 2 players is simulated in PIE.(Pl ...

Static Lights with IES Profiles Will Bake an Incorrect Lightmap

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 3, 2019

When using an IES profile with a static light, the lightmap that gets baked will lose all detail of the IES profile. Example project attached. This doesn't occur in 4.19 CL# 4033788 Found in 4.20 ...