Crash occurs in PIE when an Actor calls a method in a UObject that attempts to modify an FString member of the UObject

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 31, 2019

The Editor will crash in PIE when an Actor calls a method in a UObject that modifies some FString members in the UObject. In the Attached project, the UObject class contains two FString members and ...

Bulk Edit via Property Matrix gets disconnects from blueprints after BP compile

Tools - Jan 30, 2019

"If you ever compile a Blueprint that you have opened in the Property Matrix, it will lose its connection and variables you change in the blueprint won't be reflected in the Matrix and vice versa le ...

Find and replace reference feature(experimental) crashes after indexing dialog

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jan 30, 2019

FindInBlueprints->CacheAllBlueprints(FSimpleDelegate::CreateSP(this, &SReplaceNodeReferences::OnSubmitSearchQuery, true), EFiBVersion::FIB_VER_VARIABLE_REFERENCE);  This leads to crash. Users can b ...

"Reimport with New Source" fails on Mac

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jan 22, 2019

'Reimport with new source' command does not work on Mac. Confirmed in 4.22 @ CL 4771381 ...

iOS Remote Build fails with Date/Time set to Certain Locales

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 21, 2019

Date/Time formats using commas instead of semicolons will cause iOS compile to fail. "LogPlayLevel: Error: ERROR: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format." Similar Unk ...

Objects with centered pivots become Actors instead of StaticMeshActors when imported via Datasmith

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Exporters - Jan 18, 2019

When selecting "affect pivot only" and choosing "center pivot" on 56 objects in 3DS Max 2019, 4 of them imported into Datasmith as Actors and not StaticMeshActors. This makes it seemingly impossible ...

Dedicated server crashes when running a multi-process game in standalone with the Code Editor plugin enabled

Tools - Jan 17, 2019

Attempting to run a standalone server and client using different processes will crash if the Code Editor plugin is enabled. ...

BuildGraph builds some tools for Win32 even if Win32 is excluded from the build

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Jan 16, 2019

When creating a local binary build of the Engine using the BuildGraph, there are several tools that are built for Win32 even if Win32 was specifically excluded from the BuildGraph (ie. -set:WithWin3 ...

Contact Offset no longer appears to have an effect

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 15, 2019

When modifying the contact offset in a project it appears to have no effect. The setting that worked in a previous engine version (4.19) now collide in the same way as the default settings. ...

Retargeting an Animation to a Skeleton with a Virtual Bone causes the Engine to crash

OLD - Anim - Jan 14, 2019

This crash occurs when trying to retarget an animation onto another skeleton with a retargeting rig that references a virtual bone. This issue could be similar to [Link Removed] This issue was re ...