Project no longer builds when .cc file is included in the project

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Jan 15, 2019

Including files with a .cc extension instead of .cpp in a code project used to build fine in Visual Studio. This is no longer the case in 4.21.2. The error message that results indicates that only C ...

Contact Offset no longer appears to have an effect

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 15, 2019

When modifying the contact offset in a project it appears to have no effect. The setting that worked in a previous engine version (4.19) now collide in the same way as the default settings. ...

Moving Widgets once produces multiple "Animatable Property Changed" Undo Transactions

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jan 10, 2019

Moving Widgets produces multiple "Animatable Property Changed" Undo Transactions that appear to do nothing Similar to [Link Removed] Also occurs in //UE4/Main at CL 4702542 ...

Protobuf cause crash on iPhoneXR

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 24, 2018

WMR: Crash in VR Edit Mode

UE - Platform - XR - Dec 19, 2018

Editor crashes when entering VR Edit Mode with WMR HMD ...

IAP fails (in-game) on iOS Match3

UE - Online - Aug 28, 2018

The device this was tested on is 4987_iPhone 6+_11.2 The live build didn't provide UE4 logging, but that will be added. There is also a failure to purchase on Android but it gets farther than this ...

zorder of Webbrowser in Mobile device is not same as in the PC

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 23, 2018

Webbrowser in Mobile devices gets most higher zorder in UMG. This is, as I belive, expected since it is running in native functions. But to meet behaviors in PC, making it to follow given zorder see ...

Scaling with Vive Controllers in VR Mode with Blueprint Editor Open Causes Windows to Jitter Violently

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jun 18, 2018

On Mac in VR Mode, when scaling the world with the controllers while the Blueprint Editor open, all open windows begin jitterring violently. This only occurs if the Blueprint Editor is one of the op ...

Renaming a BP interface function/event breaks all existing uses of that function/event

UE - Gameplay - May 24, 2018

If you rename a blueprint interface function or event that is used somewhere in a blueprint, it will break the usage of that function/event. If it was a function, it will actually delete all the BP ...

UnrealEd does not work with Windows "Automatically hide the taskbar" option

Tools - Apr 16, 2018

The Windows 10 taskbar does not scroll in when UnrealEd is open and in fullscreen mode. Windows has this feature in all recent versions, and it creates a bit of extra vertical screen real estate. Us ...