Copy Procedural Mesh from Static Mesh Component does not work correctly when the order of material slots is different

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 15, 2019

This issue occurs when the section and material slot order do not match In this sample project:[Link Removed] According to a report from the licensee, the order of Sections seems incorrect.[Link R ...

Sorting a Blueprint variable into a subcategory separates variables into separate category structures

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 14, 2019

Within the Blueprint Editor, it is possible to create subcategories for variables to be sorted into. Doing so separates variables not nested into subcategories out into standalone, top-level structu ...

Event Blueprint Initialize Animation executes multiple times per instance per frame

UE - Anim - Runtime - Anim Blueprints - Oct 10, 2019

When editing the default values of a BP using an ABP, the ABP's initialize event will be triggered multiple times in a single frame.  ...

UCharacterMovementComponent OldVelocity is pre-additive while Velocity is post-additive

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Oct 10, 2019

In UCharacterMovementComponent code such as PhysFalling, RestorePreAdditiveRootMotionVelocity is called before FVector OldVelocity = Velocity; leaving OldVelocity in a pre-additive state making furt ...

GetClassDefaults node retains 'hidden' references to original default.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 9, 2019

Need to add calls to Super::PinConnectionListChanged() and Super::PinDefaultValueChanged() in K2Node_GetClassDefaults.cpp. ...

Mesh Paint can fail to find vertices using physics collision query

Tools - Oct 8, 2019

Mesh paint is for painting the vertices of a mesh, but in part uses physics collision queries to detect hits and search for vertices. (see FMeshPaintGeometryAdapterForSkeletalMeshes::LineTraceCompon ...

Cull Distance Volumes Affecting Actors After Being Deleted

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 7, 2019

Cull Distance Volumes Affecting Actors After Being Deleted. Found in 4.22 CL# 7053642, 4.23 CL# 8386587, and 4.24 CL# 9428115 ...

Encryption handshake will fail if a seamless travel occurs during key lookup

UE - Networking - Oct 4, 2019

The encryption token challenge/response portion of the control channel handshake can fail due to a seamless travel occurring between the client's NMT_Hello being received by the server and the serve ...

Crash when resizing window using Quad Stereo Buffer

UE - Virtual Production - nDisplay - Oct 2, 2019

We noticed crashes in our application when we attempted to resize a window or switch to full-screen mode. Hence, resizing windows and switching to full screen will result in a crash on Unreal Engine ...

Playing as a Pawn that is a Duplicate of a Blueprint Class doesn't create an Attribute Set

UE - Gameplay - Oct 1, 2019

Creating a duplicate of a Blueprint class that has an AttributeSet seems to be interfering with the creation of the AttributeSet. ...