Selecting Two Sided Foliage In Editor with Material Layers Enabled Causes Crash

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 20, 2018

With material layers enabled, selecting two sided foliage will cause the engine to crash. This is working as expected in 4.20 CL# 4369336. Found in 4.21 CL# 4541578 and 4.22 CL# 4573698 This is a ...

Get Transform at Distance Along Spline does not work properly with Blueprint Nativization enabled if the Spline has multiple points

Tools - Dec 13, 2018

Using Get Transform at Distance Along Spline with a spline that has multiple points along with Blueprint Nativization causes the output of the node to become unpredictable. Regression? No This occ ...

Duplicating an Instanced UProperty Component copies a reference, instead of a "deep copy"

UE - Gameplay - Jan 21, 2019

Duplicating a UActorComponent that has an Instanced UPROPERTY does not perform a deep copy of the instanced property. It appears to only copy a reference to the instanced object. Where as, performin ...

Navigation Mesh ignores Hierarchical Instanced Static Meshes using "Build Paths" or the "Build" Button

UE - AI - Feb 1, 2019

Hierarchical Instanced Static Meshes are partially ignored after building the navigation mesh. This is causing the navmesh to be generated within all or part the HISM instead of around it.  This ...

AttachToComponent replication snapping to position instead of keeping relative location

UE - Networking - Feb 15, 2019

When using AttachToComponent at runtime, the attachment does not replicate properly for some clients. The relative transform/rotation is not maintained. The user who reported this issue mentioned th ...

Rotating constraints in PhAT rotates both reference frames

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 20, 2019

Rotating constraints in PhAT rotates both reference frames. This behavior was previously enabled by holding ALT while rotating, as indicated by an on screen message in PhAT, but has now become the d ...

Improper Rendering of Paper Sprites in Translucent Sort Axis.

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 8, 2019

Regression as of 4.22. Translucent Depth Sort Policy results in improper rendering ( Z-Fighting flickering) with Paper2D Sprite Components. ...

Packaged content hangs when relaunching on Oculus Mobile device after Closing the application

UE - Audio - Apr 9, 2019

This does not occur with some previously packaged First Person templates that were on the device still namely one from //UE4/Dev-VR 4.21.0 @CL 4277723  It also does not occur with other apps on the ...

Instanced EditInlineNew Objects not correctly propagating to children and placed level instances

UE - Gameplay - Mar 3, 2020

Instanced EditInlineNew objects are kind of broken right now and hard to make full use of. In addition to the notes above, there are some cases where you can't even assign new values into the base c ...

Disabling "Include Debug Files" for a Windows Distribution build does not exclude the debug files

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Automation Tool - Nov 1, 2018

The "Include Debug Files" option being disabled is not taken into account for "For Distribution" builds. The debug files are included no matter what this is set to. Regression?: Yes This did not oc ...