None referenced NiagaraEmitters are contained in packaged game

UE - Niagara - Nov 28, 2019

[Image Removed] It's just storage waste. Because those assets will be never loaded on runtime. ...

Android: Mali Txxx GPUs Encounter Stretching Geometry When Running with Support GPU Scene Enabled

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 27, 2019

When attempting to run SunTemple with r.Mobile.SupportGPUScene enabled on some Mali GPUs, the project renders with what looks like pieces of the geometry stretching across the level and bending out ...

Resetting the RGB values of a Sky Atmosphere's Absorption

Tools - Nov 27, 2019

Resetting the RGB values of the Absorption to a Sky Atmosphere using the 'reset to default' arrow still appears after pressed. Tested in: 4.25 CL#10387577 ...

Start ARCore Session - Session config fails

UE - Platform - XR - Nov 27, 2019

ARCore Regression Not seen when updating 4.23 project to 4.24 This did NOT reproduce when updating 4.24 project (Created with Preview 4) to 4.25 MAIN 10406617 ...

It may be possible to send an actor RPC before successful replication of the actor

UE - Networking - Nov 27, 2019

It was reported on UDN that it's possible to receive an RPC for an actor before the actor itself has replicated. The net driver tries to prevent this possibility by calling ReplicateActor in UNetDri ...

Replay rollback state doesn't recreate per-instance components

UE - Networking - Nov 26, 2019

Actor rollback state saved and restored by the replay system for placed actors in the level does not take into consideration per-instance replicated components, so they won't be recreated when the a ...

SynthComponent does not execute OnStop() after calling Stop()

UE - Audio - Nov 26, 2019

SynthComponent does not execute OnStop() after calling Stop(). OnStop() will be called in PumpPendingMessages() via OnGeneratePCMAudio(). But after stopping the AudioComponent, the procedural Sound ...

Screen space reflection flickering

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 26, 2019

Flickering is occuring when using a reflection material with screen space reflection enabled. Did not start occuring until 4.19 and beyond.  Tested in: 4.23.1 CL#9631420, 4.24 P3 CL#10283392, 4 ...

LOD distance does not match between StaticMesh and SkeletalMesh

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Nov 26, 2019

No dithered lod transition when changing Field of view

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Nov 26, 2019