Nativized blueprint does not support reading values from TRange structs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 10, 2021

Compile errors will occur during packaging with Blueprint nativization enabled if e.g. "Get" nodes are placed in a Blueprint on FFloatRange struct types (or any other explicit TRange derivative) and ...

Selection outline jittering

Tools - Mar 9, 2020

Selection outline shakes/jitters for selected objects ...

Animating the camera and character with LiveLink makes the character tremble

UE - Virtual Production - Mar 31, 2020

GIF images are attached. The animation is smooth on the MotionBuilder side, but it is "slightly" wobbly in UE4. The licensee reports that the situation can be heavily shaken by the situation. Also, ...

Fragments of a geometry collection go through complex collision

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Jul 23, 2020

Fragments of a geometry collection can not hit the mesh which is set "Use complex collision as simple" ...

Target Gamma setting has no effect when using SceneCaptureActor which has no contribution from PostProcessInput0

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 4, 2020

Expected result is that the Target Gamma slider would apply that calculation to what's being written to it.  RT_PostProcess is a RTF RGBA8_SRGB render target being written to by a SceneCapture Acto ...

Missing receipt error packaging Blueprint project for tvOS with custom iOS icon (Launcher build)

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 15, 2019

This failure occurs when trying to package SunTemple for TVOS. It did not occur with a blank blueprint project, until I added a custom iOS icon and tried to package a second time (I hypothesize th ...

Switching AnimLayer to child AnimBP doesn't trigger inertial blending

OLD - Anim - Jun 19, 2020

At compile time, BlendOptions array which contains BlendTime setting are created. These are copied from its own interfaces, not the parent's. The blending works fine if the parent's interface is als ...

Launching a packaged game calling DownloadImage with -nullRHI option crashes

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 8, 2020

When using nullrhi, the Texture->Resource variable in UAsyncTaskDownloadImage::HandleImageRequest is null and a crash occurs in WriteRawToTexture_RenderThread. ...

Int64 literals in Blueprint get rounded

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Mar 27, 2020

Int64 literals in Blueprint get rounded ...

Sequencer particle toggle tracks evaluate one extra frame

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 1, 2020

It looks like particle toggle tracks use TimeRangeToNumberRange which gives the incorrect range as a result of CL 10893518 which fixed [Link Removed]. ...